薬剤耐性菌の抑制に向けた積極的な取り組みを : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2018年05月21日 『 薬剤耐性菌の抑制に向けた積極的な取り組みを 』
全力を挙げての措置 不断の管理強化
「我が国は、抗菌薬の応用管理を常に重視してきており、特にこの10年は、一連の有力な措置を講じており、『抗菌薬の臨床応用上の指導原則』や『国家抗菌薬療法ガイドライン』などの技術規範を相次ぎ制定し、臨床上合理的な抗菌薬の使用をするようにと指導してきた。全国抗菌薬臨床観測網と全国の細菌耐性観測網を設置し、抗菌薬の応用や細菌耐性の状況を観測し; 『紅頭文件(宮本注: ヘッダーに大きな赤文字が使われた政府や党の公文書を指します)』が鳴り物いりで発布された。」と国家衛生健康委員会抗菌薬臨床応用薬剤耐性評価専門家委員会弁公室の徐英春主任は語る。
[Focus on World Health Assembly] Active action to control drug resistance bacterium
National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China www.nhfpc.gov.cn 2018-05-21 Source:
“If we do not take any action today, there will be no medicine usable tomorrow.” In 2010, the WHO took a wake-up call to the world and called for strengthening the clinical application of antibacterial drugs to curb bacterial resistance.
In this war of no-gun-smoke, China has closely integrated administrative intervention with professional technology, continuously improved the antibacterial drug management system, and multi-sectoral coordination system has been launched. Antibacterial drug use rate, intensity of use, bacterial resistance rate and other indicators have been further improved, and management experience has been recognized by international counterparts.
Measures are in full swing, management increased continuously
“Our country has always attached great importance to the clinical application and management of antimicrobial drugs, especially in the past 10 years. It has adopted a series of effective measures. A series of technical specifications, such as “Guidelines for Clinical Applications of Antibacterial Drugs” and “Guidelines for National Antimicrobial Therapy” have been formulated to guide the rational use of antibacterial drugs in clinics. By establishing a National Clinical Application Monitoring Network for Antibacterial Drugs and a National Bacterial Drug Resistance Monitoring Network to monitor the application of antimicrobial drugs and bacterial resistance: The relevant ‘red-headder document (Miyamoto’s note: documents issued by governmental department of which header is printed in red and large characters)’ was even more incisively issued.” Xu Yingchun, director of the Office of the Expert Committee on the Clinical Application of Antimicrobial Agents and Bacterial Resistance Evaluation of the National Health and Hygiene Commission illustrated.
In 2012, the “Administrative Measures for the Clinical Application of Antimicrobial Agents”, known as the “Historically Most Strict Order for restriction of Antimicrobial Drugs,” was issued. The “Administrative Measures” classifies management of usage for antibacterial drugs into three levels of non-restricted use, restricted use, and special use, and clearly stipulates the authority of doctors in different levels to prescribe drugs. Doctors who seriously use antibiotics illegally will be revoked their Medical
[关注世卫大会] 积极行动,遏制细菌耐药
国家卫生健康委 www.nhfpc.gov.cn 2018-05-21 来源:
措施紧锣密鼓 管理不断加码
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