
院外処方を徹底取り締り!三甲病院医師を処罰、 関与企業名を公表: 日中医療衛生情報研究所

院外処方を徹底取り締り!三甲病院医師を処罰、 関与企業名を公表: 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2019年01月07日 『 院外処方を徹底取り締り!三甲病院医師を処罰、 関与企業名を公表

院外処方を徹底取り締り!三甲病院医師を処罰、 関与企業名を公表

医薬網1月7日電 医師の処方が大量に外部に流出し、医師が処罰を受けた!有名製薬会社が公表された。

過日(2018年11月30日)、中国中央人民広播網電台(CNR)で報道され、青島市衛生健康委員会が『医師が患者に特定の院外薬局を指定して医薬品を購入させていた問題』の調査を行った結果、それが事実であったことが判明した。 青島市衛生健康委員会は、「医師が特定の院外薬局を指定して医薬品を購入させることは間違っており、事に及んだ青島市立病院を処罰に処するよう命じた」と発表。

更に、この病院の皮膚科勤務医は、患者に院内薬局で購入する薬品一か月分の処方箋を出した後に、さらに別の処方箋上に二種類の医薬品名(宮本注: 私の知人が経営している北京天使盛本医薬科技有限会社CMJ-Pharma情報によると『「玉龍(膚舒止痒膏/貴州科福麗康製薬 有限公司)」「森曼(ミノキシジル噴霧剤/山東京衛製薬有限公司)」のことのようです』)を書き、病院の北門にある某院外処方対応企業経営の『XX薬局(北京天使盛本医薬科技有限会社CMJ-Pharma情報によると『百洋大薬房』であるそうです)』に行き購入をするように促し、この2つの医薬品は院内薬局にはおいていないからねと告げていた。

現時点の処方の流出は、『金の販売を院外に持ち出しただけのもの』であり、『煎薬の湯だけは変えても薬は取りかえない』(『実質的には何も変わっていない』という意味)。 このモデルの微妙なところは、国

Strictly beat the prescription outside the hospital! The doctors in 3-A hospitals were punished and drug makers were exposed

Medical Network w www.PharmNet.com.cn 2019-01-07 Source: Sibailan

Medical Network January 7th, the outflow of prescriptions has been brutally developing, and doctors have been punished! Well-known pharmaceutical companies were exposed.

【Doctors in the 3-A hospitals designated pharmacies to buy medicine and were fined】

A few days ago, the Central Broadcasting Network reported that the Qingdao Health Planning Commission investigated “the doctors were asking their patients to go to certain designated pharmacies outside the hospital to buy medicine”, after investigation, the matter was found to be true. The Qingdao Health Planning Commission said that it is wrong doctors to let patients go to their designated pharmacies to buy medicines; and ordered the Qingdao Municipal Hospital to investigate and punish them.

According to reports, the hospital involved in the department has already interviewed the director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Dermatology and Otolaryngology and the doctors of the department, and gave the hospital informed and economic punishment for the wrong behavior of the outpatient doctor.
The cause of the incident was that the doctor gave the patient a note with the name of the drug and ordered to go to a certain pharmacy to buy it.

【Prescription of outflow drug companies, also violates regulations】

What’s more, the doctor of the dermatology department of this hospital gave the patient a one-month treatment of the oral hospital pharmacy, and then wrote the two drug names on paper to let the patient to go to the prescription drug company’s “XX Pharmacy” located at the north gate of the hospital to buy medicine and told them the hospital pharmacy does not have these two drugs.

The deputy director of the Qingdao Municipal Health Planning Commission, at Qingdao Radio Station, after receiving the report from the patient, clearly stated that “this kind of thing is definitely wrong.”
This led to the above-mentioned Qingdao Satellite Planning Commission to investigate and judge the case.

【Gray and barbaric outside-hospital prescription now】

At this stage of the outside-hospital prescription, it is merely the sales of gold belts which was moved outside the hospital, and the soup was not changed.
The subtlety of this model is that the state allows and encourages the outside-hospital prescriptions, but the evidence


医药网 www.PharmNet.com.cn 2019-01-07 来源: 赛柏蓝

医药网1月7日讯 处方外流野蛮发展,医生被罚!知名药企被曝光。



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20190107A 院外処方を徹底取り締り!三甲病院医師を処罰、 関与企業名を公表(医薬網)

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