
3月から公立病院の外来診療前払金を全面廃止に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

3月から公立病院の外来診療前払金を全面廃止に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2025年01月21日 16:00 『 3月から公立病院の外来診療前払金を全面廃止に

凤凰网健康 health.ifeng.com 2025-01-20 20:03:18 来源: 浙江省





Public hospitals will completely cease outpatient prepayment from March onward

Ifeng.com health.ifeng.com 2025-01-20 20:03:18 Source: Zhejiang

According to the official website of the National Health Commission, the National Health Commission held a press conference and decided that starting from March 2025, public medical institutions across the country will cease outpatient prepayments and reduce hospitalization prepayments to the average level of personal payments for the same disease covered by medical insurance, today (January 20).

Liu Kui, director of the Finance Department of the National Health Commission, said in response to reporters’ questions that since the 1980s, in order to reduce the number of times patients have to queue and shorten the waiting time for payment, medical institutions have been allowed to establish hospitalization prepayment and outpatient prepayment deposits in accordance with the provisions of the accounting system.

At present, my country’s basic medical insurance system is constantly improving, and the level of medical insurance


3 月起,公立医院全面取消门诊预交金

凤凰网健康 health.ifeng.com 2025-01-20 20:03:18 来源: 浙江省

据国家卫健委官网,今日(1 月 20 日),国家卫健委召开新闻发布会,经研究决定,自 2025 年 3 月起,全国公立医疗机构取消门诊预交金、将住院预交金降至同病种医保患者个人自付的平均水平。

国家卫生健康委财务司司长刘魁在答记者问时表示,从上世纪 80 年代,为了减少患者排队的次数,以及缩短缴费等候的时间,允许医疗机构按照会计制度的规定,相继设立住院预交金和门诊预交金。

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