中国漁船が福島沖で魚を捕獲し中国内で販売 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 06月10日 21:51 『 中国漁船が福島沖で魚を捕獲し中国内で販売 』
rfa 2024-08-17 来源:
Chinese fishermen caught fish off Fukushima and sold them to mainland China. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not deny it
rfa 2023-08-17 source:
The Chinese and Hong Kong governments have banned the import of Japanese seafood for the past year, claiming that the nuclear wastewater discharged from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan has seriously polluted the nearby waters. But Nikkei Chinese reported on August 17 that the Chinese government, on the one hand, accused Japan of discharging nuclear wastewater, but on the other hand, allowed a large number of Chinese fishing boats to fish in the Pacific waters off Fukushima and sell them in mainland China.
The report by Nikkei Chinese website is based on satellite tracking data from the US non-profit organization
中國漁民福島外海捕漁內銷大陸 中國外交部未有否認
rfa 2024-08-17 来源:
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