長沙市の『老重慶火鍋店』 スープ中から吸い殻 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2018年01月08日 20:41 『 長沙市の『老重慶火鍋店』 スープ中から吸い殻 』
長沙市の『老重慶火鍋店』 スープ中から吸い殻
新浪湖南 hunan.sina.com.cn 2018-01-08 20:41 来源: 新浪综合
寒くなるにつれ、火鍋店はますます商売繁盛になりつつあるが、つい先日、長沙市民から我々に対して、電話による通報を受けた。 晩報大通り(宮本注: 直訳すると「夕刊大通り」ですが長沙にあるれっきとした通りの名前だそうです)にある『老重慶火鍋店』では、前の客が食べ残した火鍋の紅油(辣油)スープを回収して次の客にサーブしているということだった。 記者は、直ちに同店を直撃訪問、数日に及ぶ徹底的な調査を行い、遂に、その厨房にまで入り込み、店側のスタッフが食べ残しの鍋を回収し、ろ過加熱をし、調味料を添加してから再びテーブルに出されるまでの全過程を直撃、店が標榜するところの『老油火鍋』の秘密を暴くことに成功した。
1. 長沙『老重慶火鍋店』、シェフは暗い鍋の底を『老油だよ』と
Changsha “Old Chongqing Hot Pot Shop”: Cigarette butts in the drooling-oil bucket
Sina Hunan hunan.sina.com.cn 2018-01-08 20:41 Source: City 1 time
As the weather turns cold, the business of various hot pot restaurants is getting hotter and hotter, just recently, people in Changsha reported to us by phone saying that there is an “old Chongqing hot pot restaurant” alongside the Wanbao Boulevard (Miyamoto’s note: The street name in Changsha City, its direct translation shall be Evening Newspaper Blvd.), where old chili oil soup used for the other guests are served for the next guests. The truth reporter immediately visited the restaurant and began a few days of undercover investigations. Finally, he found the entire process of reusing the leftover soup, filtering and heating, adding ingredients in the restaurant’s kitchen, and the restaurant served this reused soup on another table. The secret of the shop’s so-called “old oil pan” was tampered with.
Report which gets to the bottom of the problem
1. Changsha “Old Chongqing Hot Pot Restaurant”, the chef said the dark bottom of the pot as “old oil”
This is a mobile video taken by a citizen, Ms. Wang, in an “old Chongqing hot pot restaurant” in Changsha on December 29, 2017. According to public feedback, the reporter immediately investigated and found the hot pot restaurant at the intersection of the Wanbao Avenue and Xianghu Road. After ordering a hot pot and side dishes, the reporter first asked about the oil used to make the hotpot in the shop. The reply given by the waitress was “the oil in the shop is fresh and you can rest assured”.
Reporter: Are you using old oil for this soup? Are you reusing it?
Waiter: Impossible! It’s all clean. We never do such a thing.
However, the reporter observed that the red oil hot pot served and discovered that the color of the soup pot was far darker than red compared with that of we usually see, and its taste was salty, too. Under repeated questioning by reporter,
新浪湖南 hunan.sina.com.cn 2018-01-08 20:41 来源: 来源:都市1时间
【翻訳詳細全文は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】20180108A 長沙市の『老重慶火鍋店』 口水油中に吸い殻(新浪湖南)