インフル襲来 東莞の小児科外来に人だかり : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2017年08月01日 06:17 『 インフル襲来 東莞の小児科外来に人だかり 』
7月に入ってから、長安医院小児科外来では、ここのところ毎日患者で溢れている。時に午前3時から長蛇の列ができているが、風邪や発熱した子供たちの治療にきたものだ。 医師は、最近の患者は昨年同期と比べると4割増えており、その80%は全てが上気道感染症で、インフルエンザ患者がその大多数を占めていると語った。
長安医院小児科外来の郭楠主任は、「7月からこれまで、小児科外来への患者数が確実に増加しており、前月同期比(宮本注: 第一パラグラフでは前年同期比、こちらは前月同期比。。 どちらが正しい? 増加率から見ると前月になると思われるのですが、『前月同期比』という言葉にはなじみがない。。)では4割増加、うち80%の病院は皆子供の上気道感染症だという。 子供たちの一部には、熱は低いが長期間にわたり発熱を繰り返したり、意識レベルが低くなったりすることがあるので、すぐに病院に行くことが必要だ。 意識レベルの低い状態とは、子供の昏睡や大人(の呼びかけ)に反応をできなくなり唇が真っ青になる、唇が蒼白化、痙攣、ひきつけ、嘔吐、呼吸が荒くなる、心拍の急増などの反応がある場合には、すぐに病院につれてゆかねばならない。」という。
Flu Struck Dongguan Hospitals’ Pediatric Clinic “Full of Patients”
Tencent news gd.qq.com 2017-08-01 06:17 China News Network
Since July, Chang’an Hospital pediatric clinic is almost every day crowded with people, and even 03:00 in the morning there is a long line of parents and their children with a cold or fever to see a doctor.
Doctor(s) told that, recently, pediatric patient is increased by forty percent compared to last year, among them, the causes of 80% is upper respiratory tract infection. Many of them are influenza patients.
It is understood that a lot of Changan small children also have a fever(s), some children’s mouths are also covered with red herpes; doctors diagnosed them as “herpes angina”, therefore, even if they have to line up almost an hour to rush to the hospital.
Dr. Guo Nan’s words:
Director Guo Nan of Changan Hospital pediatric clinic introduced from July to now, the pediatric outpatient rash to see is increasing indeed. Increased about forty percent over the same period last month (the first paragraph is saying last year, and this paragraph is using the previous month here, which is correct?), of which 80% of the causes are children with upper respiratory tract infection.
Some children, although fever is not so high, fevering repeatedly for long-term or mental state is bad, should immediately go to the clinic. Poor mental state mainly refers to the child progress to coma, will not respond to adults, pale lips, convulsions, cramp, vomiting, shortness of breath, rapid heart-beat etc. They must be sent to the hospital or clinic for treatment.
Flu sounds really terrible, how to prevent it? The doctor said, “first, to avoid contact with pathogens. While the prevalence of a cold, do not bring the baby(s) to crowded, air turbid public places. Do not let children contact with cold victims. If there are family members suffering from a cold, wear a mask and make children do not contact directly. Second, pay attention to environmental health. In addition, make air conditioning blow as possible as little. Parents usually pay attention to let the children exercise, increase outdoor activities, in order to enhance the resistance.”
流感来袭 东莞医院儿科门诊“爆棚”
腾讯新闻 gd.qq.com 2017-08-01 06:17 中国新闻网
7月以来, 长安医院儿科门诊几乎天天挤爆人, 甚至凌晨3 点多还排起了 “长龙”,都是家长带着感冒或发烧的孩子去看病的。医生介绍, 最近看病患儿比去年同期增四成,其中80%的病因也都是上呼吸道感染, 流感患者更是占了大多数。
据了解, 不少长安小伙伴最近也出现了接连几天都发烧的症状,有些孩子嘴巴还长满了红红的疱疹,被医生诊断为“疱疹性咽峡炎”,就算排队近一个小时也要赶去医院看病。
长安医院儿科门诊主任郭楠介绍,从7 月至今,前来儿科门诊疹看病人数的确很多,比上月同期增长约四成,其中80%的病因都是小孩上呼吸道感染。 有的孩子虽然低烧,但长期反复发烧不退或精神状态不好,也要赶紧就诊。精神状态不好主要指的是孩子昏睡、不会回应大人甚至出现嘴唇发青、 口唇苍白、抽搐、惊厥、呕吐、呼吸急促、心跳加快等反应时, 一定要马上送医。