中国: H5N6:重慶衛健委が1月の患者1例を報告 既に治癒 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2021年 02月07日 17:58 『 中国: H5N6:重慶衛健委が1月の患者1例を報告 既に治癒 』
中国: H5N6:重慶衛健委が1月の患者1例を報告 既に治癒
新浪中心 2021-02-07 17:58 来源: 界面新闻
香港衛生防護署 2021-01-26 来源: 香港衛生防護署
原タイトル: 重慶衛健委がH5N6鳥インフルエンザ患者1例を1月に報告 既に治癒
2021年02月07日、重慶市衛健委公式サイトが、2021年1月の全市における法定感染症数は19,336例となり、前月比(20,277例)4.64%下降、前年同期(28,455例)比では32.05%下降し: 死亡者数は前月の198例と比して46.46%下降したが、前年比では100%上昇したと発表した。
乙類感染症では発症者数6,467例で、前月の7,001例に比して、7.63%の下降、昨年同期の6,231例に比して3.79%の上昇となった。 死亡者数106例は、前月の198例に比して46.46%の下降、昨年同期の53例に比して100%の上昇となった; 報告された発症数のワースト3は、結核、B型肝炎、梅毒となっている。
丙類感染症では発症者数12,869例で、前月の13,276例に比して3.07%の下降、昨年同期の22,224例に比して42.09%の下降; 当月は、前月同期や昨年同期同様に死亡例はない; 報告された発症数のワースト3は、その他感染性下痢症、手足口病、インフルエンザとなっている。
当月、H5N6型鳥インフルエンザ(その他の感染症に分類)の患者1例が報告されたが、重慶市初の患者となっている。 患者は既に治癒している。
宮本注: 全球流感資訊網(FIC)もこの患者についての発表をしていませんが、香港CHPが『WHO西太平洋地区からの情報』としてインフルエンザ週報に少しだけ触れていたことが判明(詳細は二つ目のURLよりご覧ください)。 この重慶の患者で27例目となりますが、この患者に関しても『1月度の月報を発表
Chongqing Health Commission: 1 case of H5N6 avian influenza reported in January, the case has been cured already
Sina Center 2021-02-07 17:58 Source: Jiemian News
Hong Kong Department of Health Protection 2021-01-26 Source: Hong Kong Department of Health Protection
Original title: Chongqing Health Commission: 1 case of H5N6 avian influenza reported in January, the case has been cured already
On February 7, the Chongqing Health Commission announced on its official website that in January 2021, a total of 19,336 legal infectious disease cases were reported in the city, a 4.64% decrease from the same period last month (20277 cases), and a 32.05% decrease from the same period last year (28455 cases);
There were 106 deaths, a decrease of 46.46% from the same period last month (198 cases), and an increase of 100.00% from the same period last year (53 cases).
There were no reports of morbidity or death from Class A infectious diseases.
A total of 6467 cases of Class B infectious diseases were reported, a decrease of 7.63% from the same period last month (7001 cases) and an increase of 3.79% from the same period last year (6231 cases); There were 106 deaths, a decrease of 46.46% compared with the same period last month (198 cases), and an increase of 100.00% compared with the same period last year (53 cases). The top 3 diseases reported were tuberculosis, hepatitis B, and syphilis.
A total of 12,869 cases of category C infectious diseases were reported, a decrease of 3.07% from the same period last month (13276 cases), and a decrease of 42.09% from the same period last year (22224 cases); there were no deaths in this month, the same period of last month, and the same period of last year; The top 3 diseases with reported incidences were other infectious diarrhea, hand-foot-mouth disease, and influenza.
One case of H5N6 avian influenza (other infectious diseases) was reported this month, which was the first case in Chongqing and has been cured.
Miyamoto’s Note:
The Global Influenza Network (FIC) has not made any announcements about this patient, but it was turned out that the Hong Kong CHP mentioned the influenza weekly report as “information from the WHO Western Pacific region” (details are available from the second URL, please visit the CHP’s website). The Chongqing case becomes the 27th patient in the mainland China and in the world at the same time. Regarding this patient as well, there
新浪中心 2021-02-07 17:58 来源: 界面新闻
香港衛生防護署 2021-01-26 来源: 香港衛生防護署
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20210207E 中国: H5N6:重慶衛健委が1月の患者1例を報告 既に治癒(新浪中心)