中国: H9N2鳥インフル患者2名 専門家は注意喚起 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2019年 12月12日 13:17 『 中国: H9N2鳥インフル患者2名 専門家は注意喚起 』
中国: H9N2鳥インフル患者2名 専門家は注意喚起
全球流感资讯网 2019-12-12 13:17 来源: 香港卫生防护中心
中央通訊社 2019-12-10 16:59 来源: 世界衛生組織
安徽省阜陽市は、H9N2鳥インフルエンザ患者1名を確診した。 患者の5歳女児は、2019年11月12日に症状が現れたが、発症前に鳥類を屠殺している屋台への暴露歴があった。 すでに健康を取り戻している。
福建省三明市は、H9N2鳥インフルエンザ患者1名を確診した。患者の4歳女児は、2019年10月26日に症状が現れたが、容体は軽微。 発症前に鳥類暴露歴があった。
(中央通信社記者 陳偉婷 台北10日電)
世界保健機構(WHO)は、過日、中国がH9N2インフルエンザ患者2名を通報。 2名はいずれも女児で、患者間の関連性はないものの、ともに鳥類暴露歴があったということだ。疾病管制署は、中国を観光やビジネスで訪問する場合には、鳥類との接触を避け、タマゴはよく火を通して食し、衛生に注意することとアドバイスしている。
China: One case of human infection with H9N2 avian flu reported in Fuyang, Anhui and Sanming, Fujian respectively
2 cases of H9N2 avian influenza in China; Experts remind you to be careful
Global Influenza Information Network 2019-12-12 13:17 Source: Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection
Central News Agency 2019-12-10 16:59 Source: World Health Organization
Fuyang City of Anhui Province detected a case of H9N2 avian influenza. The case is a five-year-old girl, and she developed ill on November 12, 2019. She had a history of poultry slaughter stall exposure before the onset. She has already recovered.
Sanming City of Fujian Province detected a case of H9N2 avian influenza. The case is a four-year-old girl, and she developed ill on October 26, 2019. She is now in a mild condition, and had a history of poultry exposure before the onset.
【Followings are the content announced from Taiwan’s Central News Agency】
It was announced a few days ago that China reported two cases of H9N2 influenza, two girls, not related to each other, but with a history of bird contact respectively. The CDA reminded that people who come to China for business and tourism should avoid contact with birds, eat cooked eggs, and pay attention to hygiene.
Luo Yijun, deputy director of the disease control department of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, stated in the weekly epidemic report that, on December 4, the WHO announced and that China reported one new case of H9N2 on November 12 and 22. It is the first two new cases of influenza A in China during this epidemic season (from October).
Luo Yijun said that there was no association between the two cases, one of which was a 4-year-old girl from Sanming City, Fujian Province, who developed the disease on October 26 and she is now in a mild condition; Another case was a 5-year-old girl from Fuyang City, Anhui Province. She became ill on November 12 and has recovered. Both had a
中國2例H9N2流感病例 專家提醒赴中小心
全球流感资讯网 2019-12-12 13:17 来源: 香港卫生防护中心
中央通讯社 2019-12-10 16:59 来源: 世界衛生組織
【翻訳詳細全文は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】
20191212A 中国:H9N2鳥インフル患者2名 専門家は注意喚起(中央通訊)