北京市H7N9鳥フル 今年二例目の輸入性患者報告Rev :日中医療衛生情報研究所
2017年02月14日 21:50 『 北京市H7N9鳥フル 今年二例目の輸入性患者報告Rev 』
北京市は第二例となる H7N9鳥インフルエンザ輸入性患者1名を報告:
遼寧省興城人の48歳 男性、苗*さん;
但し現住所は、 河北省秦皇島市山海関区。
Beijing’s second imported case of H7N9 AIV (Revision):
(When I was checking the patient’s article today (Apr. 22, 2017), I found there are some phrases added to the original one though the uploaded date/ hour is not changed.)
Beijing reported the city’s second H7N9 AIV case in 2017.
Patient is;
Name: Miao
Age: 48 years old
Sex: Male
Registered address: Xinzheng, Liaoning province
Current address: Shanhaiguan distrigt of Qinhuangdao city, Hebei province
Onset: Jan. 31, 2017 at the living place in Hebei
Though the patient went to hospital from Feb. 3 to 7, 2017, however, as the condition has not got well,
Early morning of Feb. 8, 2017, he was transmitted to Beijing’s hospital
Via surveys, he has exposure history to live birds, his wife was selling live poultry at a market in Shanhaiguan district.
The live birds are transferrd from Wangchuang of Suizhong district, Liaoning.
Close contacts: currently no ILI symptoms appeared.
北京 报告 第二例 输入性H7N9禽流感病例: 患者 苗某, 男性, 48岁, 辽宁兴城市人, 现住 河北省秦皇岛市山海关区; 1月31日 在当地发病; 2月3日 至7日, 患者 在当地医疗机构就诊 未见好转; 2月8日凌晨, 转入 北京医疗机构 就诊; 经调查, 该患者 在外地 有活禽暴露史, 其爱人 在 山海关区 批发市场 贩卖活禽, 其所经销活禽源头来自辽宁