
台湾で百日咳の新規症例2例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

台湾で百日咳の新規症例2例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2024年 12月19日  『 台湾で百日咳の新規症例2例 』

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-12-19 來源: 疾病管制署

疾病管制署(以下、疾管署)は本日(12月19日)、「台湾で百日咳の症例2例が新たに確定診断されたが、北部の学校クラスターであり、初発症例は12歳男児だが、11月30月に発熱や痰交じりの咳、食欲不振、活力低下などの症状が現れ、12月9日になっても症状が改善されないため病院を再び受診後、検査により12月12日に確定診断された。衛生単位は既に疫学的検査泳い接触者のリストアップを実施するとともに、接触者の健康観察を実施しているが、うち、家庭での接触者3人には症状が現れておらず、予防性投薬が行われている。 さらに濃厚接触者16人がいたが、1人に咳症状があった。 当該有症状者は検査後の12月17日に確定診断された。



Taiwan added 2 new confirmed cases of whooping cough. Parents are urged to bring their children to be vaccinated on time. People should pay attention to their own health conditions and seek medical advice as soon as possible if they have suspected symptoms to avoid the spread of the epidemic.

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-12-19 Source: Disease Control Department.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) announced today (19th) two new confirmed cases of pertussis in China, which are a school cluster case in the north. The index case is a 12-year-old boy who has developed fever since November 30. , cough with phlegm, decreased appetite and activity, etc., he went to see a doctor again on December 9 because his symptoms did not improve, and he was diagnosed on December 12 after being notified by the test. The health unit has conducted an epidemic investigation and contact list, and has conducted health monitoring of the contacts. Among them, three household contacts were asymptomatic and had been given preventive medication. There were 16 other close contacts at the same school, one of whom had cough symptoms. The symptomatic person was diagnosed on December 17 after being tested.

According to monitoring data from the CDC, there are a total of 30 confirmed cases of pertussis in Taiwan this year (2024), including 6 cases related to family or school related clusters, among them, 29 were local cases and 1 was an



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-12-19 來源: 疾病管制署



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