台湾の類鼻疽本土症例新たに3例 :日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 10月29日 『 台湾の類鼻疽本土症例新たに3例 』
衛生福利部 2024-10-29 來源: 疾病管制署
Taiwan added 3 new cases of local melioidosis last week. Typhoon KONG-REI is about to hit. High-risk groups are reminded to pay attention to personal protective measures when going out. If you have relevant symptoms, please seek medical treatment quickly and inform the relevant exposure history.
Ministry of Health and Welfare 2024-10-29 Source: Disease Control Department
The Department of Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) today (October 29) announced 3 new domestic melioidosis cases (one of which was fatal) after Typhoon Krathon last week. They are all located in Kaohsiung City, and their ages range from their 40s to their 70s. All three cases had a history of chronic diseases such as diabetes or chronic kidney disease. The onset dates were between October 11 and 22. Two of them had no history of contact with sewage sludge. They sought medical treatment due to symptoms such as fever and asthma, and were all hospitalized and treated with antibiotics. The fatal case was a man in his 60s with unknown contact history. He sought medical treatment for asthma on October 22 and died on the same day due to septic shock, severe pneumonia, and respiratory failure. The CDC calls on high-risk groups such as those with diabetes, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, or those with compromised immune function to have a higher chance of severe illness after infection. If you have symptoms such as fever, chest pain, cough, etc., you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible for early diagnosis and treatment. treat.
The CDC stated that there are 101 confirmed cases of melioidosis (20 deaths) in Taiwan this year (2024), The highest
衛生福利部 2024-10-29 來源: 疾病管制署
疾病管制署(下稱疾管署)今(29)日公布國內上週新增3例山陀兒颱風後本土類鼻疽病例(其中1例死亡),均位於高雄市,年齡介於 40餘歲至70餘歲,3例均具糖尿病或慢性腎病等慢性病史,發病日介於10月11至22日,其中2例無汙水淤泥接觸史,因發燒、呼吸喘等症狀就醫,均住院以抗生素治療中。死亡個案為60多歲男性,接觸史不明,10月22日因呼吸喘就醫,當日因敗血性休克、嚴重肺炎、呼吸衰竭不幸死亡。疾管署呼籲,糖尿病、肺病、肝病、腎病、癌症或免疫功能受損者等高風險族群,感染後重症機率較高,如有發燒、胸痛、咳嗽等症狀應儘速就醫,即早診斷與治療。
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