台湾は6月新たにM痘本土症例6例を確認 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年06月28日 『 台湾は6月新たにM痘本土症例6例を確認 』
衛生福利部 2024-06-28 來源: 疾病管制署
Taiwan added 6 new local cases of M-pox in June. Eligible persons are urged to take two doses of M-pox vaccine as soon as possible to enhance their protection
Ministry of Health and Welfare 2024-06-28 Source: Department of Disease Control
The Department of Disease Control (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) announced today (June 28) that there were 6 new locally confirmed cases of Mpox (Mpox) in Taiwan in June, they are all Taiwanese men. Four cases live in the northern counties and two cases live in the central counties, their age ranges from 20s to 30s. The onset date was between June 1st and June 17th. As symptoms such as rashes, blisters, and pustules appeared on the body one after another, the patient was evaluated by a doctor and reported for examination. The CDC reminds Taiwan to classify pox as the second category of notifiable infectious disease from June 23, 2022. As of June 26, 2024, a total of 375 cases have been confirmed (353 local cases and 22 imported cases). Among them, there are 16 new cases this year (13 local and 3 overseas), and there are 6 new local cases in June, compared with 2 new cases in April and May each. The epidemic situation is on the rise, and this year in the north, central and south There are local Mpox cases in China and the east, indicating that the risk of Mpox transmission in the community is still there.
According to monitoring data from the WHO and various countries, the global epidemic is still continuing this year
衛生福利部 2024-06-28 來源: 疾病管制署
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