台湾デング熱 : 先週は本土0例 輸入5例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 07月02日 16:00 『 台湾デング熱 : 先週は本土0例 輸入5例 』
衛生福利部 2024-07-02 來源: 疾病管制署
During the summer vacation, people are advised to take anti-mosquito measures when traveling to countries where dengue fever is endemic, so that they can have a happy trip and return safely
Ministry of Health and Welfare 2024-07-02 Source: Disease Control Department
The Department of Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) stated today (Jul. 02) that there were no new local cases of dengue fever in the country last week (6/25-7/1). As of Jul 01, this year (2024), there have been a total of 166 confirmed local cases of dengue fever (including a total of 2 cases since the beginning of summer). The distribution of cases in Kaohsiung City is 137 cases, 19 cases in Tainan City, 9 cases in Pingtung County and 1 case in Chiayi County, and a total of 2 severe cases; In addition, there were 5 new imported cases last week. The infected countries were Indonesia, Thailand (2 cases each), and Somalia (1 case). The total number of imported cases this year is 113, which is higher than the same period from 2020 to 2023 (between 5- 57 cases), The infection places are mainly in Southeast Asian countries, with Indonesia has the most cases with 58 cases, followed by Malaysia with 18 cases, and 9 cases in Thailand and Maldives respectively. The risk of overseas immigration continues.
The CDC stated that the dengue fever epidemic in neighboring Southeast Asian countries is more severe than the
衛生福利部 2024-07-02 來源: 疾病管制署
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