
台湾マラリアの新規輸入症例を報告 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

台湾マラリアの新規輸入症例を報告 : 日中医療衛生情報研究研究所

2025年1月24日 16:00『 台湾マラリアの新規輸入症例を報告
衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2025-01-24 來源: 疾病管制署

疾病管制署(以下、疾管署)は本日(1月24日)、「国内でマラリアの輸入症例1例が増えたが、30代の外国籍女性だ。彼女は本年(2025年)1月上旬にケニアから入国、1月19日、頭痛や発熱が現れ、1月23日に病院を受診し悪性マラリア(熱帯熱マラリアとも)と診断された。 患者は治療後、夫が勤める会社の寮に戻り療養している。衛生単位は、この患者の健康状態やその後の検査結果を追跡する予定だ」と発表した。




Taiwan added an imported case of malaria. People are advised to consult with the travel medicine clinic before traveling to malaria-endemic areas and take mosquito prevention measures in the area.

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2025-01-24 Source: Department of Disease Control

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced today (Jan. 24) that there was one new case of imported malaria in Taiwan. The patient was a foreign female in her 30s who entered the country from Kenya in early January this year (2025) and died on January 19. He developed headache and fever and went to the hospital for treatment on January 23, where he was diagnosed with malignant malaria (also known as tropical malaria). After treatment, the case returned to the husband’s company dormitory to recuperate. The health authorities will track the case’s health status and subsequent test results.

According to CDC monitoring data, there has been a total of 1 imported case this year, which is comparable to 0-1 cases in the same period of the past 4 years (2021-2024). In the past five years (2021-2025), there have been a total of 19 confirmed cases, all of which were imported from abroad, and tthe infected areas are mostly in African countries, and the main pathogen detected is falciparum malaria, followed by Plasmodium vivax malaria.

The CDC pointed out that the Malaria outbreaks continue internationally, and imported cases have occurred in



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2025-01-24 來源: 疾病管制署




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