
台湾合併症が重篤化した腸病毒感染2症例を報告 :日中医療衛生情報研究所

台湾合併症が重篤化した腸病毒感染2症例を報告 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2026年 1月21日 16:00 『 台湾合併症が重篤化した腸病毒感染2症例を報告 』

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2025-01-14 來源: 疾病管制署


疾管署のモニタリングデータによると、第 3週(1月12日~1月18日)の外来救急受診者数は9,673人回で、前週(1万2,523人回)と比較すると 22.8%の減少となり、流行は下降の趨勢を呈しており、流行の


Taiwan added 2 new cases of severe enterovirus infection. Parents are urged to pay attention to the health of infants and young children, and the signs of severe illness, in addition, continue to wash hands with soap and disinfect the environment during the Spring Festival

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2025-01-21 Source: Disease Control Department

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said today (January 21) that Taiwan reported 2 cases of severe enterovirus infection were reported in the country, a 2-year-old boy and a newborn baby less than one month old in the north. Among them, a 2-year-old boy had a fever and went to the hospital at the end of last year (2024). The next day, he developed symptoms such as swelling of the right neck and difficulty swallowing. He went to the hospital again and was diagnosed with acute otitis media. During this period, he developed weakness in both legs and difficulty walking. After the report was tested, The patient was confirmed to be infected with enterovirus D68 and had severe symptoms. The patient’s condition improved after treatment and he has been discharged from the hospital; In addition, a newborn baby less than one month old was admitted to the infant ward due to respiratory distress and hypoxia after birth at the end of last year. Later, due to fever, shortness of breath and decreased blood oxygen, he was transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit for treatment. During this period, the patient experienced arrhythmia, low blood pressure, carbon dioxide retention, and low platelets. After reporting and testing, it was confirmed that he was infected with Echovirus type 2 with severe complications. The symptoms improved after treatment and the patient is currently under hospital observation.

According to monitoring data from the CDC, in the 3rd week (January 12 to January 18), there were 9,673 outpatient



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2025-01-21 來源: 疾病管制署

疾病管制署(下稱疾管署)今(21)日表示,國內新增2例腸病毒感染併發重症病例,為北部2歲男童及未滿1個月新生兒。其中2歲男童於去 (2024)年底發燒就醫,隔天出現右頸腫脹、吞嚥困難等症狀再度就醫,經診斷為急性中耳炎收治住院,期間出現雙腳無力、行走困難情形,經通報檢驗後確認為感染腸病毒D68型併發重症,個案治療後狀況改善,已出院;另,未滿1個月新生兒,去年底出生後即因呼吸窘迫、低血氧收治嬰兒病房,後因出現發燒、呼吸短促及血氧下降情形,轉收住新生兒加護病房治療,收治期間出現心律不整、血壓偏低、二氧化碳滯留、血小板偏低等情形,經通報檢驗後確認為感染伊科病毒2型併發重症,個案治療後症狀改善,目前持續住院觀察。


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20250121S 台湾合併症が重篤化した腸病毒感染2症例を報告(衛生福利部)


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