台湾第4第3のH7N9輸入症例の関係者追跡を継続 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2014年04月26日 『 台湾第4第3のH7N9輸入症例の関係者追跡を継続 』
2014年 4月26日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on April 26, 2014)
台湾疾病管制署 2014-04-26 来源:台湾卫生福利部疾病管制署
疾病管制署(以下CDC)が昨日(4月25日)確認した我が国国籍の39歳男性台商(台湾ビジネスマン:FT#432)は病院で未だに治療を受けている。 現在掌握されている濃厚接触者は、家族や同僚、同フライトの座席が近い旅客及び医療スタッフなど合計122人おり、医師の評価で12名には既に予防性投薬がなされている。 うち、1名の濃密接触者は昨日夜に発熱症状が現れて本日(4月26日)にはもう熱が引いているが、サンプル採取と通報が行われているが、検査結果は陰性であり、投薬と観察が継続されている。
この他、4月22日に確認された中国大陸江蘇省南京市からの44歳女性旅客(第3例: FT#429)は、現在容体が重体であり、病院での治療が継続されている;その濃密接触者94人中からはこれまでに関連症状は出ておらず、75人に対しては既に予防性投薬がされている。
The Department of Disease continuously tracks the fourth and third cases of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu outbreaks and their related contacts (2014-04-26)
Taiwan CDC 2014-04-26 Source: Taiwan Health and Welfare Department Centers for Disease Control
A 39-year-old Taiwanese businessman, the fourth confirmed case (FT#432) of imported H7N9 avian flu from overseas, aiagnosed by the Department of Health yesterday (April 25) has continued to be treated in a hospital. Currently there are 122 close contacts including family members, colleagues, passengers near the same-seat seat, and medical staffs. After the assessment by doctors, 12 have given preventive medication. One of the close contacts had a fever yesterday (April 25). Even though fever has been reduced (4/26) this day, it was reported and collected. Though the test result was negative, administration and observation is being continued
In addition, the 44-year-old female case (third case: FT#429) diagnosed on April 22, and the passenger from Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province, Mainland China, is still in serious condition and is receiving treatment in the hospital; Of the 94 people who are her close contacts, none showed the symptoms at present, and 75 of them had started preventive drug administration.
The DH will continue to track the contacts of the third and fourth cases, and at the same time, asked all contacts to manage their own health for 10 days and DH will track them for 10 until the observation period expires. If any contact person should develop fever, cough, or other flu symptoms during the period of contact, ask him to wear a mask and seek medical advice.
The CDC recommended to raise the travelling risk level bound for the places where there is an outbreak of avian
台湾疾病管制署 2014-04-26 来源:台湾卫生福利部疾病管制署
有關疾病管制署於昨(4月25日)日確認之我國籍39歲男性台商 (FT#432) 境外移入H7N9流感確定病例仍持續於醫院接受治療。目前掌握之密切接觸者包括個案家屬、同事、同機座位附近旅客及醫護人員共計122人,經醫師評估後有12位已給予預防性投藥。其中一名密切接觸者於昨(4月25日)晚出現發燒症狀,雖今(4/26)日已退燒,但仍予以通報及採檢,其檢驗結果為陰性,持續投藥並觀察中。
另4月22日確認之中國大陸江蘇省南京市44歲女性陸客(第三例: FT#429),目前病況仍嚴重,持續於醫院接受治療;其密切接觸者94人中,目前皆無相關症狀,其中75人已開始預防性投藥。
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