台湾: 重篤な合併症を起こした腸病毒感染新規症例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 11月26日 16:00 『 台湾: 重篤な合併症を起こした腸病毒感染新規症例 』
衛生福利部 2024-12-10 來源: 疾病管制署
疾病管制署(以下、疾管署)は本日(12月10日)、「国内で新たに重症な合併症を併発した腸病毒患者1例が増えたが、北部の1か月未満の新生児で、2024年11月18日に断続的な発熱や食欲不振、元気のなさなどを主訴に病院を受診したところ、同日別の病院に転送された後に黄疸や軽度の頻脈、発熱による敗血症の疑いや脱水症状が現れたためNICUに収容された。通報後の検査によりコクサッキーウイルスB3型への感染と重篤な合併症が確認されたが、治療後に症状が改善した。 これで台湾では本年8例目の腸病毒感染による重症例となった。
Taiwan reports 1 new case of enterovirus infection complicated by severe disease.
Never take it lightly, keep good hand hygiene and environmental cleaning and disinfection, and pay attention to the warning signs of severe illness in infants and young children.
Ministry of Health and Welfare 2024-12-10 Source: Disease Control Department
The Department of Disease Control (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) stated today (December 10), that there is one new case of enterovirus infection complicated by severe illness in the country, a newborn under 1 month old in northern Taiwan. On November 18, 2024, the case sought medical treatment due to intermittent fever, poor appetite, low energy and other symptoms. After referral on the same day, he was found to have jaundice, mild tachycardia, suspected sepsis and dehydration due to fever, and was admitted in the neonatal intensive care unit, after notification and testing, it was confirmed that the patient was infected with Coxsackie virus B3 and was complicated by severe illness. After treatment, the symptoms improved and he has been discharged from the hospital. This is the 8th severe case of enterovirus in Taiwan this year.
The CDC pointed out that this year, there have been a total of 8 confirmed cases of enterovirus infection complicated
衛生福利部 2024-12-10 來源: 疾病管制署
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