台風クラトン後に類鼻疽本土症例新たに2例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 10月22日 『 台風クラトン後に類鼻疽本土症例新たに2例 』
衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-10-22 來源: 疾病管制署
疾病管制署(以下、疾管署)が本日(10月22日)「先週、台風クラトン後に、台湾では先週新たに類鼻疽の本土症例が2例(うち1例は死亡)発生したがいずれも高雄市でのことで、70代男性1例には慢性疾患と汚水/汚泥への暴露歴があった。患者は現在入院治療中である; もう1例は、80代の男性で、いくつもの慢性疾患があり、呼吸困難や肺炎で頻繁に入院していた。 10月7日に再び発熱と息切れが起こり、入院し検査を受けたが、残念ながら肺炎と自身の持病のため10月13日に不幸にも死亡した。疾管署は、糖尿病や肺疾患、肝疾患、腎疾患、がん或いは免疫機能が低下している人などのハイリスクグループは、感染後の重症化リスクが高く、発熱や胸痛、咳などの症状が出た場合、速やかに病院を受診し、早期診断早期治療を受けねばならないと呼び掛けている。
Two new cases of local melioidosis were reported after Typhoon Krathon. High-risk groups are reminded to seek medical treatment quickly if they have relevant symptoms and inform relevant exposure history; doctors are also called on to be more vigilant and report and diagnose in a timely manner.
Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-10-22 Source: Department of Disease Control
The Department of Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) today (October 22) announced two new domestic melioidosis cases (one of which was fatal) after Typhoon Krathon last week, both of which were located in Kaohsiung City. One of the cases was a man in his 70s who has a history of chronic diseases and sewage/sludge exposure, and is still in hospital; Another man in his 80s had a history of multiple chronic diseases and was often hospitalized due to difficulty breathing and pneumonia. On October 7, he developed fever and asthma again. He was hospitalized and examined. Unfortunately, he died on October 13 due to pneumonia and his own chronic diseases. The CDC calls on high-risk groups such as those with diabetes, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, or those with compromised immune function to have a higher chance of severe illness after infection. If you
衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-10-22 來源: 疾病管制署
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