広東省で1万人以上がデング熱に感染 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 11月04日 19:03 『 広東省で1万人以上がデング熱に感染 』
腾讯新闻 new.qq.com 2024-11-04 19:03 來源: 医学界官方账号
More than 10,000 people have been infected in Guangdong. When will this wave of epidemic end?
Tencent News new.qq.com 2024-11-04 19:03 Source: Medical Community Official Account
After the second infection of dengue virus, the severity of symptoms may increase significantly.
According to the latest “Dengue Epidemic Monitoring Situation” released by Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1,785 new dengue cases were reported in Guangdong Province from October 21 to October 27. From September 9 to October 27, the total number of dengue cases reported in Guangdong Province has reached 10,295.
As a virus spread by mosquitoes, dengue fever has broken out on a large scale around the world in the past two years due to factors such as climate and urban environmental changes. Last year, the number of cases worldwide exceeded
腾讯新闻 new.qq.com 2024-11-04 19:03 來源: 医学界官方账号
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20241104G 広東省で1万人以上がデング熱に感染(謄訊新聞)