
急性の呼吸器感染症が増加傾向に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

急性の呼吸器感染症が増加傾向に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2024年12月6日 10:29 『 急性の呼吸器感染症が増加傾向に

环球时报 health.huanqiu.com 2024-12-06 10:29 来源: 中国青年报

本紙北京12月5日電(中国青年報・中国青年網記者 劉昶栄) 本日、記者は中国疾病管理予防センターから、第47週の全国呼吸器定点監視の結果、現在、急性の呼吸器感染症の有病率がまだ比較的低いレベルにあるとはいえ、増加の傾向を示していると知った。




Acute respiratory infections are on the rise

Global Times health.huanqiu.com 2024-12-06 10:29 Source: China Youth Daily

Beijing, December 5 (China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Liu Changrong) Today, the reporter learned from the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention that the monitoring results of the 47th week of national respiratory sentinel monitoring showed that the overall prevalence of acute respiratory infectious diseases is still at a relatively low level, but it is showing an upward trend.

“This upward trend is mainly reflected in the increase in cases among people aged 0-14 years old.” At the press conference held by the National Health Commission this afternoon, Wang Liping, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in response to a question from a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network.

According to the monitoring data, in outpatient and emergency influenza-like cases and respiratory tract infection hospitalization cases aged 0-4 years, the common pathogens detected positive are rhinovirus, Mycoplasma



环球时报 health.huanqiu.com 2024-12-06 10:29 来源: 中国青年报

本报北京12月5日电(中青报·中青网记者 刘昶荣)今天,记者从中国疾控中心获悉,全国呼吸道哨点监测第47周的监测结果显示,目前急性呼吸道传染病总体仍处于相对低的流行水平,但呈现上升趋势。



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