陽江市の活禽取引施設 本日から二日間閉鎖 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2018年01月27日 21:03 『 陽江市の活禽取引施設 本日から二日間閉鎖 』
本日午前、記者が市の金湾市場と馬曹市場を訪れてみたところ、鳥の販売ケージは全てロックアウトされ、既に経営が停止されていた。 活禽屋台も空っぽで、『暫時休業』との通知が張り出されていた。
金湾市場管理人李孟常: 上からの通知を受け、私たちは直ちに全販売店に通知して、全ての活禽を整理し、ケージ内には何も残さないようにし、全面的に清掃・消毒を実施しました。更に、市政府の要求に基づき、私たちは休市を継続し、各方面の衛生活動を強化しないといけないのです。
Yangjiang live poultry establishments now closed for two days
Yangjiang Television Network www.yjtvw.com 2018-01-27 21:03 Source: Yangjiang Radio and Television Station
Recently, relevant functional departments found positive sample(s) for H7N9 virus in the environmental testing of live poultry establishments, in order to prevent and control the outbreak and reduce the risk of public infection, from today (January 27) 00:00 onward, the city’s live poultry establishments have been temporarily closed.
This morning, the reporter visited the Jinwan market and Macao market in the city, where all the stalls operating live poultry were locked and the operation was stopped with a notice of temporal close.
Li Meng Chang, the Jinwan Market’s Manager: after receiving the notification from above, we immediately notified all the merchants to clean up all the live poultry and keep them out of stock. Thoroughly cleaned up and everything got disinfected. Next, in accordance with the requirements of the municipal government, we have to continue market close and strengthen all aspects of health works.
Although the live poultry market was closed, the sale of “chilled” poultry stalls opened their doors in a normal manner, attracting many members of the public. Most people said the live poultry rest did not have much impact.
Citizen: rarely eat these kind of things, anyway, a day or two day close does not matter, market close is not a matter.
阳江视听网 www.yjtvw.com 2018-01-27 21:03 来源: 阳江广播电视台
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