
高雄市でデング熱本土症例新たに1例 :日中医療衛生情報研究所

高雄市でデング熱本土症例新たに1例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2024年 11月25日 16:30 『 高雄市でデング熱本土症例新たに1例

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2023-11-25 來源: 疾病管制署デング熱

疾病管制署は本日(11月25日)、「台湾では新たにデング熱の本土症例1例が見つかったが、患者は高雄市苓雅区在住の50代男性で、11月2日に発熱や下痢及び腹痛などの症状が現れたため病院を受診、通報後の検査により確定診断されたが、デング熱2型ウイルスが検出され、秋入り以後の高雄市初の本土デング熱となった。 濃厚接触者には現時点で症状は見られていない。



One new case of local dengue fever has been reported in Kaohsiung City. The public is urged to eliminate the breeding sources and medical institutions are raising alerts.

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-11-25 Source: Disease Control Department

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated today (November 25) that Taiwan found a new case of local dengue fever. He is a man in his 50s who lives in Lingya District, Kaohsiung City. He developed fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms on November 21 and sought medical treatment. After notification and testing, the diagnosis was confirmed, and dengue virus type 2 was detected. It was the first local case of dengue fever in Kaohsiung City since the fall. All close contacts are currently asymptomatic.

The CDC stated that the case had no history of foreign travel during the incubation period, his main places of activity



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-11-25 來源: 疾病管制署



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