
台湾:第4の台湾人ビジネスマン H7N9輸入症例を発表 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

台湾:第4の台湾人ビジネスマン H7N9輸入症例を発表 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年04月26日 11:30 『 台湾:第4の台湾人ビジネスマン H7N9輸入症例を発表H7N9Image
2014年 4月26日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on April 26, 2014)

台湾:第4の台湾人ビジネスマン H7N9輸入症例を発表
全球流感资讯网 www.flu.org.cn 2014-04-26 11:30 来源: 中国新闻网
中国新闻网 www.chinanews.com 2014-04-26 10:38 来源: 中国新闻网

中国新聞網4月26日電、 台湾『中国時報』報道によれば、台湾で25日に4番目の国外からの輸入症例を確診した。 患者 (FT#432) は39歳の台湾人ビジネスマンで、現在、容体は安定している。 医学センターの陰圧隔離病室で治療を受けている。 濃厚接触者は69名いるが、未だに関連症状は出ていない。

報道によると、当該ビジネスマンは、3月31日から4月19日まで北京市及び江蘇省昆山に旅行をしていたが、4月19日に台湾に戻ってきた際に、当日夜から発熱や呼吸不順や黄色い痰等の症状が現れ診療所と病院に掛かり、4月23日に某医学センターを受診、X線で左の肺に炎症がみられたため、二度の検査後にH7N9と診断された。 現在この患者は、喘息様の症状が悪化しているが、挿管はせずに、減圧隔離病室

Taiwan announces fourth case of imported H7N9 avian flu: 39-year-old Taiwanese Businessman

Global Flu Information Network www.flu.org.cn 2014-04-26 11:30 Source: China News Network
China News Network www.chinanews.com 2014-04-26 10:38 Source: China News Network

China News Service, April 26, 2014
According to Taiwan’s “China Times” report, Taiwan confirmed on the 25th that the fourth imported H7N9 case was transferred from overseas. The infected person is a 39-year-old Taiwanese businessman who is in stable condition in the medical center’s negative pressure isolation ward for treatment. A total of 69 close contacts had no related symptoms.

According to Zhuang Renxiang, deputy director of Taiwan’s “Department of Health Management,” the Taiwanese business man did not have contact with birds or enter the live poultry market while in mainland China. The source of infection remains to be investigated (Miyamoto’s note: afterword, it is reported that he played golf).
According to reports, the Taiwanese businessman travelled to Beijing and Kunshan City in Jiangsu Province from March 31 to April 19, and he reentered Taiwan on April 19. He suffered from fever, respiratory insufficiency, and jaundice on that night. He went to clinics and hospitals. On April 23, he went to a medical center. The X-ray showed inflammation of the left lung. He was diagnosed with H7N9 after two tests. At present, as the case is getting more and more breathless though he has not been intubated yet, he is being treated in a negative pressure isolation ward.

The patient (FT#432) is:

Name: No information provided
Gender: Male,
Age: 39 years old,
Occupation: Taiwanese businessman
Registered Domicile: Taiwan
Current Domicile: Taiwan
Date of Onset: April 19. 2014
Date of Admission: April 23, 2014
Date of Diagnosis: April 23, 2014,
Date of Death: N/A

Date of Discharge: No information provided.
Exposure to Birds: No at this moment. But, there was a report that he played golf while off-duty
Close Contacts: 69 people, there is no one who showed any suspicious symptom
Clinical History: No information provided
Current Situation: The case is getting more and more breathless though he has not been intubated yet, he

台湾公布第4例境外移入H7N9病例 39岁台商感染

全球流感资讯网 www.flu.org.cn 2014-04-26 11:30 来源: 中国新闻网
中国新闻网 www.chinanews.com 2014-04-26 10:38 来源: 中国新闻网

中新网4月26日电 据台湾《中国时报》报道,台湾25日确认第四例境外移入H7N9病例 (FT#432),染病者是一名39岁的台商,目前病情稳定,在医学中心负压隔离病房治疗中,其密切接触者共69人尚未出现相关症状。
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20140426A 台湾: 第4の台湾人ビジネスマン H7N9輸入症例を発表(中新網)


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