
炭疽で14歳学生が死亡 今年は162人以上が感染 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

乙11: 炭疽で14歳学生が死亡 今年は162人以上が感染 ヒトヒト感染は? : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 09月02日 12:02 『 乙11: 炭疽で14歳学生が死亡 今年は162人以上が感染 ヒトヒト感染は? 』

乙11: 炭疽で14歳学生が死亡 今年は162人以上が感染 ヒトヒト感染は?

新浪财经 finance.sina.com.cn 2021-09-02 12:02 来源: 新京报

原題: 14歳学生が炭疽で死亡、 今年は少なくとも162人が感染、 炭疽はヒトヒト感染するか?


炭疽は、炭疽菌と呼ばれる最近により引き起こされる人獣共通感染症だ。 皮膚炭疽が最も多いが、肺炭疽になると、短時間に昏睡や死に至ることがあり致命率は90%以上となる。



国家CDCや山東省CDC、浜州市CDC等の単位が発表した報告書『Notes From the Field: Two Confirme Paatients of Anthrax -Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China』によれば: 山東省CDCは今年8月15日に2人の炭疽患者を報告した。それぞれ14歳の学生1名と35歳の男性だが、学生については、何度も医療機構を受診したが数日後に死亡したという。

北京市CDC情報によれば、本年8月9日、北京市は外地から受け入れた肺炭疽症例1例を報告。患者は、河北省承徳市囲場満族蒙古族自治県の人で、現地では牛や羊及びそれらの製品への暴露歴があり、発症の4日後に救急車で北京に転送されている。 患者は病院で隔離治療中だ。


記者が、国家CDC発表の月報データを検索して計算したところ、本年1月~7月までに我が国では合計159例の炭疽患者と死亡者1例が報告されていた。 8月に入ってからの北京や山東省の確診症例を加えると本年我が国では少なくとも162例の患者と死亡者2例がいることを見つけた。


炭疽は、炭疽菌と呼ばれる細菌により引き起こされる人獣共通感染症で、牛や羊など主に草食動物に発生するが、通常はすぐに死んでしまう。ヒトが感染する炭疽には、皮膚炭疽(皮膚接触による感染)や肺炭疽(経口感染:宮本注: これは明らかに『吸入による感染』の誤記です)と腸炭疽(吸入による感染: これは明らかに『経口感染の誤記』です)があるが時に炭疽敗血症と脳膜炎を引き起こすことがある。 中で


A 14-year-old student died of anthrax. At least 162 people have been infected this year. Can anthrax spread from person to person?

Sina Finance finance.sina.com.cn 2021-09-02 12:02 Source: Beijing News

Original title: A 14-year-old student died of anthrax. At least 162 people have been infected this year. Can anthrax spread from person to person?

A 14-year-old teenager died of anthrax last month. This is a recent news from Shandong Province’s Disease Control and Prevention Bureau. The reporter, from the data, found that China has reported at least 162 anthrax cases and 2 deaths this year.

Anthrax is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. Skin anthrax is the most common, while pulmonary anthrax can quickly cause coma and death, with a mortality rate of more than 90%.

People who are infected with anthrax are mostly those engaged in breeding and slaughtering cattle, sheep and livestock and selling related products. People engaged in fur processing can also be infected with anthrax. Researchers say the chaotic private livestock trade brings the risk of anthrax outbreaks.

Anthrax is reported by many places: even the death cases are reported/

This year, anthrax or suspected anthrax epidemics have been detected in many provinces and cities in my country, and deaths have been reported.

According to reports published by China CDC, Shandong Province CDC, Binzhou CDC and other units, Notes from the Field: Two Confirmed Patients of Anthrax — Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China, August 2021, Shandong CDC reported on August 15 this year There were two anthrax cases, a 14-year-old student and a 35-year-old male. The student visited a medical institution several times and died a few days later.

According to information from Beijing CDC, on August 9 this year, Beijing reported an exceptional case of pulmonary anthrax in Beijing. The case came from Weichang Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County in Chengde City, Hebei Province. He had a history of contact with cattle, sheep and their products in the local area. Four days after the onset of illness, he was transferred to Beijing by ambulance for treatment. The case was treated in isolation in the hospital.

On August 24, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, notified the disease control that a suspected case of skin anthrax had been discovered in the city recently, and that 18 provinces in China had reported anthrax cases this year.

The reporter searched and calculated

the monthly statistics released by the China CDC and found that from January to July this year, my country reported a total of 159 anthrax cases and 1 death. Combined with the confirmed cases in Beijing and Shandong in August, at least 162 anthrax cases and 2 deaths have been found in my country this year.

According to the Statistical Bulletin of my country’s Health Development, my country reported 224 cases of anthrax and 0 deaths last year.

Anthrax is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax mainly occurs in herbivorous animals such as cattle and sheep, and usually quickly die. Human anthrax infections mainly include skin anthrax (infection through skin contact), pulmonary anthrax (oral infection: Miyamoto’s note: This should be “inhalation infection”) and intestinal anthrax (inhalation infection: This should be “oral infection”), and sometimes


新浪财经 finance.sina.com.cn 2021-09-02 12:02 来源: 新京报





多地报告炭疽疫情 出现死亡病例

据中疾控、山东省疾控、滨州疾控等单位发表的报告Notes from the Field: Two Confirmed Patients of Anthrax — Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China, August 2021,山东疾控于今年8月15日报告2名炭疽病例,分别为一名14岁学生和一名35岁男性,学生多次在医疗机构就诊,数日后死亡。





炭疽是一种叫作炭疽芽胞杆菌的细菌引起的人兽共患性传染病,炭疽主要发生在牛、羊等草食为主的动物身上,通常会很快死亡。人感染炭疽主要包括皮肤炭疽(经皮肤接触感染)、肺炭疽(宫本注释: 这应该写「经口感染」吧!!?)和肠炭疽(这也应该写「吸入性感染」吧!!?),

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20210902G 炭疽で14歳学生が死亡 今年は162人以上が感染 ヒトヒト感染は?(新浪財経)


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