ASF 四川省華鎣市違法搬入仔ブタ押収で検出 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2021年 03月09日 『 ASF 四川省華鎣市違法搬入仔ブタ押収で検出 』
ASF 四川省華鎣市違法搬入仔ブタ押収で検出
中国农业农村部 2021-03-09 来源: 农业农村部新闻办公室
03月09日、 農業農村部 新聞弁公室は、四川省華鎣市(宮本注: 四川省広安市に位置する県級市です)が押収した外省からの違法搬入仔ブタからアフリカ豚熱(以下 『ASF』)を検出したと報告した。
Huaying City, Sichuan Province detected an African swine fever epidemic in a row of piglets seized from other provinces
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural P. R. China 2021-03-09 Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Information Office
The Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced on March 9 that Huaying City, Sichuan Province, detected an outbreak of African swine fever from the seized piglets transported illegally from other provinces.
On March 9, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs received a report from the China Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center, reporting that after being diagnosed by the Sichuan Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center, an African swine fever epidemic was detected in a truck of piglets transported illegally from outside the province at the exit of Tianchi Expressway in Huaying City. At the time of the seizure, the car was carrying 10 piglets, 2 of them became ill, and 2 died.
After the outbreak, the local area quickly launched an emergency plan, culled all piglets and treated them harmlessly, and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected the relevant disposal sites, environment, roads and transportation vehicles. Currently, the investigation and
中国农业农村部 2021-03-09 来源: 农业农村部新闻办公室
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20210309F ASF 四川省華鎣市違法搬入仔ブタ押収から検出(農業農村部)
20210414E 中国におけるアフリカ豚熱(ASF)の発生と封鎖解除リスト