ASF 陝西省西安市鄢邑区など3か所で検出 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2018年 12月03日 18:08『 ASF 陝西省西安市鄢邑区など3か所で検出 』
ASF 陝西省西安市鄢邑区など3か所で検出
新华网 2018-12-03 18:08:49 来源: 新华网
12月03日、農業農村部新聞弁公室は、 陝西省西安市鄠邑区と北京市通州区、黒竜江省農墾北安管理局でアフリカ豚コレラ(宮本注: 以下『ASF』)が検出されたと発表した。
12月02日20時、農業農村部は、中国動物疾病予防管理センターから 中国動物衛生疫病センター(国家外来動物疾病研究センター)の確診を経て、陝西省西安市鄠邑区の養豚場でのASF発生が確診されたとの報告を受領した。 当該養豚場にはブタ245頭が飼育されていたが、205頭が発症、79頭が病死していた。
ASF発生後、農業農村部は直ちに監督指導グループを現地に派遣した。現地は要求に基づき緊急対応メカニズムを起動し、封鎖や殺処分、無害化処理、消毒などの措置を講じており、病死ブタと殺処分されたブタ全ての無害化処理を採っている。 同時に、全てのブタ及びその製品の封鎖地区からの搬出、 封鎖地区へのブタの搬入が禁止されている。 これまでのところ、上述措置は既に実施されている。
このほかに、12月3日、農業農村部が、評価試験に合格したことを以てASFによる遼寧省盤錦市大窪区の封鎖を解除したとの遼寧省ASF予防治療指揮部弁公室からの報告を受けた。 農業農村部は
African Swine Fever was detected in three areas at Huyi District of Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province etc.
Xinhuanet 2018-12-03 18:08:49 Source: Xinhuanet
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 23, 2018
On Dec. 03. 2018, the Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced that the Huan District of Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, Tongzhou District of Beijing, and the Bei’an Bureau of Heilongjiang Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Bureau had detected the African swine fever epidemic.
At 20:00 on December 2, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs received a report from the China Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center reporting that. the China Center for Animal Health and Epidemiology (National Institute of Animal Diseases and Diseases) confirmed that a farm at Huyan District in Xi’an District, Shaanxi Province has been detected the African swine fever epidemic. The farm has 245 pigs, 205 pigs got sick and 79 died.
A large-scale farm in Tongzhou District of Beijing has been detected the African swine fever epidemic. The farm has 9,835 live pigs, of which 85 got sick and 17 died.
A wild boar farm in the Bei’an Bureau of the Heilongjiang Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Bureau has been detected the African swine fever epidemic. There are 375 wild boars and 77 wild boars died.
Immediately after the outbreak, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs sent a supervising team to the local site. The local government has started the emergency response mechanism according to the requirements, and adopted measures such as blockade, culling, harmless treatment, disinfection, etc., further, treated all the sick and culled pigs harmlessly. At the same time, all pigs and their products are prohibited from being transferred out of the blockade, and any pigs are prohibited from being transported into the blockade. At present, the above measures have been implemented well.
In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs received a report from the Office of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Prevention and Control of African Pigs on December 3. The African plague-plague area in Datun District of Panjin City, Liaoning Province was lifted their closure after their passing the assessment. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs requested the local
新华网 2018-12-03 18:08:49 来源: 新华网
12月2日20时,农业农村部接到中国动物疫病预防控制中心报告,经中国动物卫生与流行病学中心(国家外来动物疫病研究中心)确诊, 陕西省西安市鄠邑区一养殖场排查出非洲猪瘟疫情,该养殖场存栏生猪245头,发病205头,死亡79头。北京市通州区一规模养殖场排查出非洲猪瘟疫情,该养殖场存栏生猪9835头,发病85头,死亡17头。黑龙江省农垦总局北安管理局一野猪养殖场排查出非洲猪瘟疫情,存栏野猪375头,死亡77头。
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