
COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土4例 輸入2例 死亡1例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土4例 輸入2例 死亡1例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 09月09日 『 COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土4例 輸入2例 死亡1例 

COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土4例 輸入2例 死亡1例

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-09-09 來源: 疾病管制署


指揮センターは、「本日、新たに増えた国内症例4例は、30代から50代の男性3例、女性1例で、一人は9月05日に発症、残り3例は無症状だった; 患者の分布は、新北布と台北市の各2人ずつとなる; うち、3例の感染源は既に判明、1例の関連が不明、0例が調査中だ。 衛生単位は調査及び予防治療を進めており、感染源の明確化を図る」と発表した。

指揮センターは、「本日増えた輸入症例2例は、エジプト籍の30代男性(第16169号)およびエジプト籍の40代男性(第16170号)だが、二人は出国前72時間以内の陰性証明書を持ち8月4日に揃ってエジプトから来台し、入境後の検査も隔離期間満了前の結果はいずれも陰性であった; 二人が確診症例の接触者であったことから、衛生単位が手配した9月7日の検査でも陰性だったが、本日再び検査をしたところ確定診断された(第16169号のCt値36.7、第16170号のCt値34.7);2人の関連接触者をリストアップ中だ」としている。




COVID-19: Taiwan newly added 4 local cases, 2 imported cases

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-09-09 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced on Sept. 09 that there were 6 newly confirmed case of COVID-19 in Taiwan consisting of 4 local cases and 2 imported cases from the States. There was one (1) new death among the confirmed cases.

According to the command center, there are 4 new local cases today, they are 3 males and 1 females, aged between in their 30s and 50s, and the onset date of 1 case is on September 05, the other cases are asymptomatic ones; the case distribution is 2 each in New Taipei City and Taipei City; Among them, 3 cases are known sources of infection, 1 case is unknown, and 0 case is under investigation. The health unit will continue to investigate and prevent the epidemic to clarify the source of the infection.

The command center said that today there are two new cases of immigration from abroad. They were an Egyptian male in his 30s (Case 16169) and an Egyptian male in his 40s (Case 16170). They came to Taiwan from Egypt on August 4, and both had a negative test certificate within 3 days before the flight. And the results of inspection after entry and before the expiration of the quarantine period are all negative; Since 2 people had been in contact with the other confirmed case(s), the health unit arranged for examination on September 7 and the results were all negative. The examination was carried out again and their diagnosis was confirmed today (Ct value of case 16169 was 36.7, Ct value of case 16170 was 34.7); their related contacts are being listed.

The command center pointed out

that there is one new death case (case 16162) today, a male in his 70s with a history of chronic disease and no history of contact with other confirmed cases. From September 3 to September 6, he went to the doctor for other reasons several times (seeing the doctor on September 4 and quickly tested negative), however, he was sent to the hospital on September 7 due to physical discomfort and there was no sign of life before the hospital. He died on the same day and was diagnosed on September 8.

The command center’s data shows there have been a total of 2,911,463 notifications related to novel coronavirus



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-09-09 來源: 疾病管制署






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20210909D COVID-19 台湾で新たに本土4例 輸入2例 死亡1例(衛生福利部)


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