COVID-19 輸入リスクはどの程度? 輸出地は? : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2020年 03月09日 17:59:50 『 COVID-19 輸入リスクはどの程度? 輸出地は? 』
COVID-19 輸入リスクはどの程度? 輸出地は?
网易新闻 2020-03-06 17:59:50 来源: 环球时报
3月4日、中国全土では新たに患者139例(武漢131例)が確定診断された; WHOは4日17時 (北京時間)の報告で、中国国外で新たに確診患者2,103例が増え、4か国で新たに患者が出たとしている… 中国のCOVID-19予防管理措置の効果が徐々に明らかになっているが、海外では持続的に新たなる警報が鳴り響いており、中国にとっては国外からの感染症輸入リスク対策という処理すべき問題が出てきた。
『イタリアの歌は歌って踊ったが、華人は怖がられた』 情報では、イタリアには全土で20万人を超す華人が住んでいるが大部分は浙江省麗水と温州からやってきた人たちで、イタリアで洋服工場を起こしたり、レストランやバーなどの経営をしたりしているとされている。 李娜さんは、その中の一人だ。 彼女は、『環球時報』記者に対し、彼女の知る浙江系イタリア人たちは、肺炎が広まっているので帰国する人は少ないとしながらも、「帰国しよう、或いは帰りのフライトチケットを既に購入した人は大勢いる」と語った。 彼女は、イタリアの感染拡大が極めて速い中、同国の政策は華人たちの防御意識との間に矛盾が存在しているのだとしている。
国家衛健委の発表によれば、3月4日24時までの時点で、国外からの輸入確診症例は20例、うち浙江省における国外輸入例が半分を占めている。 彼らは全てイタリアから帰国した人たちであり、目的地は『華僑の故郷』と呼ばれている浙江省麗水市青田県だった。 5日、浙江湖州市は新たにイタリアからの輸入症例2例が増えたと発表した。
李娜は、イタリアで最初の確診患者が出た場所から僅か20キロにある都市に住んでいる。 『地元で
COVID-19 What is the risk of importing an overseas patient? Where are the main exporting countries?
Netease News 2020-03-06 17:59:50 Source: Global Times
Between 00:00 and 24:00 on March 5, four (4) new cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia were diagnosed in Beijing, all of which were imported cases from Italy. The designated medical institutions have given medical treatment. 3 new suspected cases and 7 close contacts were reported. One patient was discharged from the hospital.
As of 24:00 on March 5, there are a total of 422 diagnosed cases, 298 cured and discharged cases and 8 deaths. There are 29 suspected cases. A total of 2874 close contacts have been identified, of which 368 are still in isolation medical observation. Breakdown of diagnosed cases: 13 in Tongcheng District, 53 in Xicheng District, 72 in Chaoyang District, 63 in Haidian District, 43 in Fengtai District, 14 in Shijingshan District, 3 in Mentougou District, 16 in Fangshan District, 19 in Tongzhou District, and 10 in Shunyi District, 29 cases in Changping District, 39 cases in Daxing District, 7 cases in Huairou District, 7 cases in Miyun District, and 1 case in Yanqing District. There were no cases in Pinggu District, 25 cases came from outside of Beijing, and 8 cases came from overseas.
There are no newly diagnosed cases in 13 districts in the city for more than 14 consecutive days. Specifically, there have been no reported cases since the outbreak in Pinggu District, 42 days in Yanqing District, 32 days in Mentougou District, 28 days in Huairou District, 26 days in Shunyi District, 23 days in Dongcheng District, 23 days in Miyun District, 21 days in Shijingshan District, and 21 days in Daxing District. Days, 18 days in Fangshan District, 17 days in Changping District, 15 days in Xicheng District, 15 days in Tongzhou District.
Of the 422 diagnosed cases, 204 were male cases, accounting for 48.3%, and 218 were female cases, accounting for 51.7%; The age range was 6 months to 94 years old, of which 14 cases were under 5 years old, accounting for 3.3%, 14 cases were 6 years old to 17 years old, accounting for 3.3%, 283 cases were 18 years old to 59 years old, accounting for 67.1%, 60 years old and above 111 cases, accounting for 26.3%.
On March 4, 139 new cases were diagnosed across China (131 in Wuhan); The WHO report as of 17:00 Beijing time on March 4, stated that 2,103 new cases were diagnosed outside China and 4 new countries had new cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia … The effect of China’s epidemic prevention and control has gradually shown, but new alarms have been continuously sounded overseas. This has made China’s risk of importing an overseas epidemic which is our new issue that needs to be dealt with. Statistics show that as of 04:00 on March 4, a total of 6,728 symptomatic passengers were found in customs across the country, of which 779 were suspected cases, and 75 cases were positive for New Coronavirus. What is the risk of importing overseas patients? Where does it come from? “Global Times” reporters investigated this.
They chose to close the shop and return to China from the distant Apennines
“Italian songs sang and danced, but the Chinese were terrified.” It is understood that there are more than 200,000 Chinese nationals in Italy, most of them from Lishui, Zhejiang and Wenzhou. They open clothing factories in Italy, or operate restaurants, bars and other services. She told the “Global Times” reporter that not so many Zhejiang Italians whom she knew, had returned to China due to the epidemic. “But there are quite a lot of people who plan to return to China or have already booked air tickets.” She said this was because the epidemic was spreading rapidly in Italy, but the country’s policies were inconsistent with Chinese protection awareness.
According to the National Health Commission’s report, as of 24:00 on March 4, a total of 20 diagnosed imported cases were reported, of which Zhejiang accounted for half of the imported cases. On March 1 and 2, 8 overseas
网易新闻 2020-03-06 17:59:50 来源: 环球时报
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