COVID-19 雲南省で仏からの輸入症例1例増 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2020年 03月17日 12:17 『 COVID-19 雲南省で仏からの輸入症例1例増 』
COVID-19 雲南省で仏からの輸入症例1例増
北京日报 2020-03-17 07:27 来源:
3月16日12時から24時までに、雲南省では当地での新増確診患者はなかったが、新たに国外からの輸入確診症例1例(フランスからの輸入)が増えた。 3月16日24時時点で、これまでの海外からの輸入確診症例は2例となる。
2020年3月13日、フランス(パリ)から広州に入国 広州空港海関でサンプル採取後に通行を許可された(宮本注: 広州で強制隔離措置を採らなかったのはなぜ? という疑問が生じます)。
3月14日 11:00時 広州空港から南方航空CZ3415便に乗り、13時45分に昆明長水空港に到着、空港の検疫区域で観察された後、15時40分に昆明市の隔離地点での集中隔離に。
Yunnan added 1 imported case from France
Beijing Daily 2020-03-17 07:27 Source:
From 12:00 to 24:00 on March 16, there were no newly confirmed local cases in Yunnan Province, and one new confirmed case imported from abroad (imported from France). As of 24:00 on March 16, two (2) imported cases abroad are confirmed.
Information on the second case of imported from abroad:
26 years old, female, working in Paris, France.
On March 13th, 2020, she took a flight from Paris, France and entered Guangzhou. The customs at Guangzhou Airport took samples, then released them. On March 14 at 11:10, she left Guangzhou Airport by flight CZ3415 and arrived at Kunshui Changshui Airport at 13:45. After staying in the airport quarantine area, she was sent to Kunming City’s isolation point for centralized isolation at 15:40. At 18:00, Guangzhou Airport Customs notified Kunming Customs that the patient was positive for novel coronavirus, then she was immediately transferred to the Provincial Infectious Diseases Hospital for isolation and observation. Sampling and testing in the early morning of March 15th showed that the novel coronavirus was positive for nucleic acid and as she had no clinical symptoms such as fever and cough, she was diagnosed with asymptomatically infected case. Further, the case was reported through the infectious disease epidemic reporting system. On March 16, the patient developed clinical symptoms, combined with epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, and laboratory test results, she was diagnosed as a confirmed case of
北京日报 2020-03-17 07:27 来源:
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