
COVID-19 台湾の輸入3例は英・越・尼から : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 台湾の輸入3例は英・越・尼から : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 02月27日 『 COVID-19 台湾の輸入3例は英・越・尼から 

COVID-19 台湾の輸入3例は英・越・尼から

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-02-27 來源: 疾病管制署


2月25日に隔離期間終了前の検査を経て本日本日確定診断された(25日の検査結果ではCt値は29、翌日のそれは34で、血清IgM抗体は陰性だったが、 IgGが陽性となった)。 症例には隔離期間中の接触者はないことから接触者リストは作られていない。

2021年2月25日、仲介企業の手配で専用車で病院に行き自費検査を行い、本日、確定診断された(Ct値は32、血清IgM抗体並びに IgG抗体で陽性となった)。
この症例の接触者計48人が特定されているが、同船の乗船者24人が在宅隔離対象となり; その他24人については、適切な防護をとっており、自主健康管理者リストに入れられている。

2月26日、会社手配の専用車で病院に行き自費検査を受けたところ、本日、確定診断された(Ct値は32、同日のPCR検査は陰性であったが、血清IgM抗体、 IgG抗体ともに陽性となった)。


3 new cases of COVID-19 imported from abroad, entering from the United Kingdom, Vietnam and the Philippines respectively

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-02-27 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (Feb. 27) that 3 new confirmed cases of imported COVID-19 in Taiwan, they came from the United Kingdom (Case 953), Vietnam (Case 954) and Philippines (case 955) respectively.

The command center said,

Case 953 is a British woman in her 20s.

On January 8, 2021, the case was tested positive for COVID-19 in the UK. Then she came to Taiwan to study on February 12th. She held two pre-flight test negative reports (of February 7 and February 9), and immediately went to the centralized quarantine station for centralized quarantine after entering Taiwan. The first inspection was conducted on February 13, and the test results were negative. She has no symptoms of discomfort from the date of entry quarantine to now; The quarantine was taken before the expiration of the quarantine period on February 25, and the diagnosis was confirmed today (Ct value of 29 was collected on the 25th and 34 the next day, serum antibodies were negative for IgM and positive for IgG).

The command center pointed out that:

Case 954 was an Indonesian male crew member in his 20s.

He entered Taiwan on May 23, 2019, and departed by boat on the same day; His voyage before returning to Taiwan was to leave Vietnam on February 3 this year and enter Taiwan on February 8. After entering the country, he went to the anti-epidemic hotel for quarantine, and return to the ship for independent health management after the quarantine period expired. So far, there are no symptoms; On February 25, the intermediary company arranged a special car to the hospital for examination at its own expense. The diagnosis was confirmed today (Ct value 32, serum antibody IgM positive, IgG positive). A total of 48 contacts have been identified, including 24 crew members on the same ship who are listed as home isolation objects; the remaining 24 people are listed as independent health management due to proper protection.

The command center stated that;
Case 955 was a Filipino female migrant worker in her 30s. She entered the country on February 5 this year and had a negative test report within 3 days before the flight. After entering the country, he went to the centralized quarantine



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-02-27 來源: 疾病管制署



指揮中心指出,案954為印尼籍20多歲男性船員,於108年5月23日入境臺灣,並於同日搭船出境;返臺前航程為今年2月3日自越南出境,2月8日入境臺灣。入境後至防疫旅館檢疫,檢疫期滿後返回船上自主健康管理,迄今皆無症狀; 2月25日個案由仲介公司安排專車至醫院自費採檢,並於今日確診(Ct值32,血清抗體IgM陽性、IgG陽性)。已掌握個案接觸者共48人,包含同船船員24人列為居家隔離對象;其餘24人因有適當防護,列自主健康管理。


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20210227D COVID-19 台湾の輸入3例は英・越・尼から(衛生福利部)


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