G4 EA H1N1 :G4はヒト間での伝播は少ない模様 : 農業部・中国CDC多くの見解 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2020年 07月05日 16:52『 G4 EA H1N1 :G4はヒト間での伝播は少ない模様 : 農業部・中国CDC多くの見解 』
G4 EA H1N1 :G4はヒト間での伝播は少ない模様 : 農業部・中国CDC多くの見解
新浪财经 finance.sina.com.cn 2020-07-05 16:52 来源: 第一财经
『米国科学アカデミー紀要(PNAS)』誌上で最近発表された中国疾病管理センター(宮本注:以下『CDC』)の高福院士や中国農業大学の劉金華教授らの研究グループのG4豚インフルエンザの記事に対し、全国動物防疫専門家委員会の専門家グループ長で中国農業大学の楊漢春教授は、先週末、農業部のウェブサイト上に: 『G4豚インフルエンザがヒト間伝播の恐れは比較的に低く、ヒトや動物への感染性や病原性も強くはない』と書いた。
楊漢春教授は、農業部の動物疫学・人畜共通感染症の重点実験室の所長だ。 彼は、『G4豚インフルエンザウィルスはH1N1亜型インフルエンザウィルスの一種であるが、ヒトの季節性インフルエンザと豚のインフルエンザ中に常見されるウィルスで、新しいウィルスではない。 インフルエンザウィルスは変異しやすいが、豚への明らかな病原性の変化や致死率の増加は見られず、生ブタの生産にはあまり影響を与えるものではない』としている。
Multiple responses from the Ministry of Agriculture for disease control and China CDC: G4 swine flu virus has low probability of spreading among people
Sina Finance finance.sina.com.cn 2020-07-05 16:52 source: First Finance
In response to recent articles published by “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)”, submitted by Academician Gao Fu of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Research Team of Professor Liu Jinhua of China Agricultural University on the G4 swine influenza virus, Yang Hanchun, the leader of the Expert Committee on Pig Diseases of the National Animal Epidemic Prevention Expert Committee and a professor at China Agricultural University, wrote on the Ministry of Agriculture website last weekend”G4 swine flu virus has a low probability of spreading among people, and it is not very spreadable and pathogenic to human beings and animals.”
Professor Yang Hanchun is the director of the Key Laboratory of Animal Epidemiology and Zoonoses in the Ministry of Agriculture. He stated: “The G4 swine influenza virus is a H1N1 subtype influenza virus. It is a relatively common virus in human seasonal flu and swine flu, and it is not a new virus. Influenza viruses are easy to mutate, but there is no obvious increase in the pathogenicity and mortality rate of pigs, which has little effect on live pig production.
Recently, the National Animal Epidemic Prevention Expert Committee organized experts in the fields of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, epidemic prevention and control, customs animal and plant inspection, etc. to hold a symposium to analyze the impact of the virus on the pig industry and public health.
For the above paper, Professor Yang Hanchun and other experts agreed that the test sample reported in this article is small and unrepresentative, and the probability of G4 swine influenza virus spreading among the population is low, and the article mainly uses the research data before 2018. There is no sufficient evidence to show that the G4 swine influenza virus has become the dominant strain in the herd, and it has little effect on the production of live pigs.
Professor Yang Hanchun said: “The next step, the National Animal Epidemic Prevention Expert Committee will
新浪财经 finance.sina.com.cn 2020-07-05 16:52 来源: 第一财经
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