H5N6 南韓アヒル養殖場で見つかる : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2017年 11月21日 『 H5N6 南韓アヒル養殖場で見つかる 』
これにより、南韓では7月13日以来、5か月の時を経て再び鳥インフルエンザに見舞われたことになる。 昨年、南韓でのアウトブレイクは最も厳しいものであったが、8か月近くも続き、数百万羽のニワトリやア
H5N6 avian flu virus was found in a South Korean duck farm
The Environmental Information Center e-info.org.tw 2017-11-19 Apple Daily South Korea report
The South Korean government confirmed today (Nov. 19, 2014) that H5N6 has been detected as a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in a duck farm in the southwestern part of the country and has raised the alert on bird flu to its highest.
Yonhaen News Agency reported that the duck farm is located in Gachang County, 300 kilometers south-west of Seoul, where 12,000 ducks are farmed. The Ministry of Agriculture confirmed that the test results showed H5N6.
This is South Korea’s resumption of bird flu after a lapse of 5 months since July 13. South Korea last year broke out
環境資訊中心 e-info.org.tw 2017-11-19 蘋果日報南韓報導
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