H7N4 感染症例1名を確診 国家衛計委 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2018年02月14日 『 H7N4 感染症例1名を確診 国家衛計委 』
江蘇省常州市溧陽市在住の 68歳女性 唐さん(宮本注: 名前と常州市内の溧陽市に住んでいたということが判明しました。 これは大陸ならのGood Jobです!)
National Health and Family Planning Commission confirmed a human case of H7N4 infection
Health Emergency Office www.nhfpc.gov.cn 2018-02-14 sources:
February 1, 2018, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (National HFPC) confirmed a case of H7N4 avian flu (in short: “human case of H7N4 infection”).
Patient is:
Name: Tang
Gender: Female
Age: 68 years old
Current Address: Liyang City of Changzhou City in Jiangsu Province
Contact with birds: Yes
Date of Onset: December 25, 2017
Date of Admission: Not revealed, but admitted to a hospital for treatment of “Severe pneumonia”
Date of Discharge: January 22, 2018
Jiangsu Provincial CDC tested the patient’s sample and detected positive for H7N4 virus nucleic acid, and China National CTC reviewed it and confirmed the case.
National HFPC arranged experts and they diagnosed the case as a Human H7N4 infection after combining the clinical manifestations of patient, epidemiological investigations and laboratory test results.
Jiangsu provincial Health and Family Planning departments, in accordance with the relevant plans and technical programs, are effectively carrying out treatment of the case, epidemiological investigation, management of the close contacts, and emergency response plan and other works.
As 28 close contacts of the case have not yet shown any abnormality, therefore, they are all lifted their medical observations.
Experts suggest that the public in their daily lives should avoid contact with dead birds, try to avoid direct contact with live birds.
Those who have any history of exposure to poultry and, at the same time, have fever and respiratory symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible and inform doctors of the history of poultry contact on their own with initiative.
卫生应急办公室 www.nhfpc.gov.cn 2018-02-14 来源:
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