H7N9鳥インフルエンザ 対応新薬が市場に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2013年04月07日 15:06 『 H7N9鳥インフルエンザ 対応新薬が市場に 』
2013年 4月7日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on Apr. 7, 2013)
目下、中国に表れたヒト感染H7N9鳥インフルエンザに対応するため、李松研究員はH7N9ウィルスの遺伝子組織の分析をし、H7N9ウィルスのノイラミニダーゼ構造が安定しており、N9の同源性がほぼ98%であることから、ノイラミニダーゼ抑制剤が今回の流行に有効であるとした。 且つ、ペラミベルは、一種の新しいノイラミニダーゼ阻害剤であり、HXNX型の鳥インフルエンザに有効であり、新たに出てきたH7N9鳥インフルエンザに顕著な治療効果がみられるとした。
In Response to H7N9 Avian Influenza Drugs to be Marketed
People’s Network health.people.com.cn 2013-04-07 15:06 Source: China News Network
China news agency, Beijing, April 6 (Shen Jiifei, Tao Xinlan)
In response to the outbreak of H7N9 avian influenza in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) and the Center for Drug Evaluation of CFDA, the first time deployed and approved the new drug Peramivir to be placed on the injection market as guided by the state’s assurance requirement for public health and safety; the drug is researched and developed by China independently.
Since the SARS epidemic in 2003, under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Health and Family Planning Committee, the general post-health department of People’s Liberation Army General Logistics Department, under the unified plan, after 10 years of research, led by Dr. Li Song, researcher of Medicine Institute of Toxic Drugs, Military Academy, his team has successfully developed a series of anti-influenza drugs such as oseltamivir phosphate granules, granules and Peramivir trihydrate, obtained State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C. (SIPO) and World Intellectual Property Organization’s layout and formed a drug control system in response to China’s influenza prevention and control, at the same time, established the world’s largest single production line. This played a major role in the year 2005’s H5N1 high pathogenic avian flu and 2009’s H1N1 influenza’s prevention and control work.
At present, for the epidemic of H7N9 avian influenza in China, Li Song’s researcher team analyzed the genome sequence of H7N9 virus, and is now recognizing H7N9 virus neuraminidase structure is rather stable and N9 homology is greater than 98%, which shows neuraminidase inhibitor is effective for the epidemic. Peramivir is a novel potent neuraminidase inhibitor, which is effective for HXNX influenza virus and has a significant therapeutic effect on new H7N9 human avian influenza patients.
人民网 health.people.com.cn 2013-04-07 15:06 来源:中国新闻网
中新社北京4月6日电 (沈基飞 陶社兰)