H7N9鳥インフル 浙江の患者増加はパンデミックか? : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2013年 04月17日 21:19:17 『 H7N9鳥インフル 浙江の患者増加はパンデミックか? 』
2013年 4月17日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on Apr. 17, 2013)
ヒト感染H7N9鳥インフルエンザ 全国合計感染者数は82人、死亡者数は17人に
これまでのところ、報告された患者は北京(1名)、上海(31名、死亡11名)、江蘇(20名、死亡3名)、浙江(25名、死亡2名)、安徽(3名、死亡1名)、河南(2名)の6省市30の地市級地区。 現在患者が増加している状態にあるが、いまだにヒトヒト感染のエビデンスは見つかっていない。
商報訊(記者 祝潔煒 通信員 林峲 夏燕燕)は昨日、浙江省衛生庁が4月17日16:00までに同省で新たに4名のヒト感染H7N9鳥インフルエンザ患者が出たと発表。 これまで、浙江省では25名が感染、死者2名がでている。
Zhejiang Case Increasing: Does it Mean H7N9 Avian Flu is Epidemic?
Hexun news news.hexun.com 2013-04-17 03:49 Source: Business Daily Author: Zhu Wei Lin Li Jie
28 people were diagnosed as H7N9 in the country, among them 17 died
National HFPC announced on April 17, 2013, as of 17:00 on the day, China has 82 cases of H7N9 avian influenza, of which 5 have been cured, 17 people died, the remaining 60 people are in the designated medical institutions for treatment.
According to the National HFPC report, 16:00 on April 16 to 17:00 April 17, 2013, the country reported of five (5) new H7N9 avian influenza cases, including 1 case of Shanghai, 4 cases of Zhejiang.
Up to now, the cases reported were distributed in Beijing (1 case), Shanghai (31 cases; 11 deaths), Jiangsu (20 cases; 3 deaths), Zhejiang (25 cases; 2 deaths), Anhui (3 cases; 1 case), Henan (2 cases) 6 provinces and 30 prefecture-level cities . Currently, the case found is sporadic, has not yet found evidence of human to human transmission.
Four New Cases of H7N9 Infection in Zhejiang Province
Business News (reporter: Zhu Jiewei, Correspondents: Lin Li & Xia Yanyan) Yesterday, the Zhejiang Provincial Health Department informed that as of April 16 at 16:00, Zhejiang Province has 4 new cases of H7N9 avian influenza. So far, Zhejiang reported a total of 25 diagnosed cases, 2 has died.
Patient 1 (FT#80) is:
Name: Liao X,
Sex: Female,
Age: 37 years old,
Occupation: Farmer,
Current Domicile: Hangzhou,
Date of Onset: April 11, 2013,
Current Situation: Admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou for treatment.
Patient 2 (FT#81) is:
Name: Niu X,
Sex: Male,
Age: 74 years old,
Occupation: Retired,
Current Domicile: Hangzhou.
Date of Onset: April 8, 2013,
Current Situation: Admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou for treatment.
Patient 3 (FT#82) is:
Name: Zhao X,
Sex: Male,
Age: 86 years old,
Occupation: Retired,
Current Domicile: Hangzhou,
Date of Onset: April 13, 2013,
Current Situation: Admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou for treatment.
Patient 4 (FT#83) is:
Name: Zhang X,
Sex: Male,
Age: 41 years old,
Occupation: Leader of the Communist Party,
Current Domicile: Huzhou,
Date of Onset: April 14, 2013,
Current Situation: Admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou for treatment.
Via the provincial CDC’s testing for the above four cases, result was positive for H7N9 avian influenza virus nucleic acid. Experts
和讯新闻 news.hexun.com 2013-04-17 03:49 来源:每日商报 作者:祝洁炜 林莉
全国共报告人感染H7N9确诊82例 死亡17人
商报讯(记者 祝洁炜 通讯员 林莉 夏燕燕)昨天,浙江省卫生厅通报,截至4月17日16:00,浙江省新增4例人感染H7N9禽流感病例。至此,浙江共报告发现25例确诊病例,死亡2例。