
H7N9最新情報 秋冬に捲土重来、自然消滅はない : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

H7N9最新情報 秋冬に捲土重来、自然消滅はない : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2013年07月04日 10:58:56 『 H7N9最新情報 秋冬に捲土重来、自然消滅はない

2013年 7月04日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on July 04, 2013)H7N9Image


Q: 今年のH7N9の流行はもう終わったとみてもよいのか?
舒躍龍: 私は、H7N9鳥インフルエンザは依然として鳥と鳥の間で症状が現れない中で流行していると固く信じています。
Q: 現在、このウィルスに対してどんな方面で主な研究を展開しているのか?
舒躍龍: この新型再集合体ウィルスには、このウィルスはなぜ突然出現したのか?なぜ人に感染したのか?ヒトヒト感染は起こり得るのか? なぜ多くの感染者の症状がこのように重篤化するのか?H7N9はこの後人類の間でパンデミックになるリスクはどのくらいあるのか?など、いまだ解明されていない多くの謎がありますが、これらがまさに我々が取り組んでいる主要な問題です。

H7N9 latest news: National Influenza Center Chief said H7N9 will come back this year autumn and winter: it will never automatically disappear

Observer www.guancha.cn 2013-07-04 10:58:56

H7N9 Avian Influenza Latest news: Yesterday, Shu Yuelong , the director of Chinese National InfluenzaCenter (CNIC), in the interview of Beijing News, said H7N9 is vulnerable to infection, but is not infectious among human beings. He believes that H7N9 avian flu will certainly come back in this autumn and winter season, its whereabouts are very secret and it will not automatically disappear.

The following is the full text of the dialogue:
H7N9 is easy to infect people, is not cause people-to-people infection

Q: This year’s H7N9 epidemic seems to have ended
Shu Yuelong: I firmly believe that H7N9 avian influenza virus is still asymptomatic among poultry.
Q: What is the main focus on the study of the virus?
Shu Yuelong: This new reassortment virus has a lot of puzzles we have not solved yet, for example, why the virus suddenly appeared? Why it can infect? How about human-to-human infection’s possibility? Why many infected cases become so serious? What is the risk of the outbreak of H7N9 in the future? These are the main problem we are studying.

Q: What kind of new discoveries are there for these studies?
Shu Yulong: We found that the H7N9 avian influenza virus is a “double-sided” virus, it is like a seasonal influenza virus. This virus is easily combined with human upper respiratory tract, such as tracheal cells; It has the characteristics of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1, and can go into the human lower respiratory tract and will be bound with the cell receptor of the lungs.
H7N9最新消息:国家流感中心主任称H7N9今年秋冬会卷土重来 它不会自动消失
观察者 www.guancha.cn 2013-07-04 10:58:56


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20130704A H7N9最新情報 この秋冬に捲土重来、自然消滅はあり得ない 国家インフルエンザセンター主任(観察者)


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