H7N9 ウィルスは唾液等により同居者に伝播と専門家 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2013年05月27日 03:39 『 H7N9 ウィルスは唾液等により同居者に伝播と専門家 』
2013年 5月27日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on May 27, 2013)
本社報道 貴陽 5月26日電(記者: 白 皓)中国医学科学院医学実験動物研究所所長の秦川教授は、ヒト感染H7N9鳥インフルエンザの予防管理活動ができない理由が国民の関心が薄いこと、ますます薄くなっていることにあり、今秋になるころには、格別の注意が必要であり、流行を予防するための準備をしておかないとならないと注意喚起をした。
① 5月27日に衛生部が発表した患者数は130名、死亡者数は37名です。
② 感染者数については、
③ 死者数については、
Experts: H7N9 virus can spread through saliva and other cohabitation
Fenghuang Wang news.ifeng.com 2013-05-27 03:39 Source: China Youth Daily
Original Title: The virus will spread through the mucosa, saliva etc. in cohabitation
Guiyang, May 26, 2013 (Reporter: Bai Hao)
Professor Qin Chuan, director of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Animal of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, reminded that the prevention and control of H7N9 cannot be improved since the people lost or are losing their attention to it. Especially, in the autumn of this year, people should be careful, and prepare for the prevention and control of H7N9 avian flu.
Prof. Qin Chuan during the fifteenth session of the China Association for Science and Technology issued a reminder of the above, she told the China Youth Daily reporter, judging from the laboratory’ lots of animal experiments the results, H7N9 avian influenza will not focus on large-scale outbreak in short term, but it may continue to prevail in the future; H7N9 has now confirmed that the virus will be transmitted through the mucosa, saliva and other means which spread in the cohabiters.
At present, there are 130 cases are reported as infected with H7N9 avian influenza, among them 26 has died.
Prof. Qin Chuan is recognizing that CFR “20%” is for an infectious disease, it is too high; it is necessary to largely strengthen the study of the virus as soon as possible, in order to make pathogenicity and CFR less and less.
(Miyamoto’s note: Followings are my explanation on the announcement of Prof. Qin Chuan vs. National HFPC
1. The number reported by National HFPC on May 27, 2013 is 130 cases and 37 deaths,
2. As for the number of the patients:
On May 28, 2013, Beijing’s child Xu’s was confirmed, in China way, the number of the patients will be 131, if counted on infection base, a 4-year-old child Mr. Zhu, who was diagnosed as H7N9 career will be include here. Japanese Embassy is counting this child as H7N9 cases so the number of the case is 132. According to Dr. Sun of Guangzhou city’s East West clinic, “In China, the patient does
凤凰网资讯 news.ifeng.com 2013-05-27 03:39 来源:中国青年报
本报贵阳5月26日电(记者: 白 皓)中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所所长秦川教授提醒,对人感染H7N9禽流感的防控工作不能因为公众关注转淡而渐渐变淡,特别在今年入秋的时候,要格外谨慎,做好普遍流行的防控准备。
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