2017年度全国法定伝染病概況 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2018年02月26日 『 2017年度全国法定伝染病概況 』
乙類:各月発表数値累計から昨年と同レベルながら、『54万6千人も減少』している(患者が消えた)!: 主な内訳(①結核▲289,514、②ウィルス性肝炎▲211,048、③梅毒▲29,988、④手足口病▲22,885、⑤住血吸虫症▲5,675)
二に、B(乙)類伝染病では、SARSやポリオ、ジフテリア、ヒト感染高病原性鳥インフルエンザ、ジフテリアでの発症・死亡報告がなかった以外、その他で発症者3,064,058例、死亡者19,641例が報告されている; 報告された発症率は10万人あたり222.06であり、昨年より3.64%上昇しているが;死亡率は1.42であり、昨年より8.59%上昇している。 報告発症者数ワースト5は、ウィルス性肝炎、肺結核、梅毒、淋病、細菌性及びアメーバ性赤痢、
中华人民共和国国家卫生和计划生育委员会 www.nhfpc.gov.cn 2018-02-26
National Statutory Epidemic Situation in 2017
National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China www.nhfpc.gov.cn 2018-02-26
In 2017 (00:00 on January 1st, 2017 to 00:00 on December 31st), the country (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below) reported a total of 7030879 statutory infectious diseases, with 19,796 deaths, and the reported incidence rate was 509.54/10. Million, the reported mortality rate was 1.43/10 million.
National statutory infectious diseases in 2017 by category statistics:
The first is the report of 1 case of plague infection in Class A infectious diseases, 1 death, 14 cases of cholera reported, and no deaths. The reported morbidity rate was 0.001 million, which was a decrease of 50.00% from 2016.
Second, except for epidemics of infectious atypical pneumonia, polio, highly pathogenic avian influenza and diphtheria-free disease, and death reports, the other reported cases of group B were 3064058 cases and 19461 deaths. The reported incidence rate was 222.06. /10 million, the reported mortality rate was 1.42 per 100,000, an increase of 3.64% from the reported incidence in 2016, and the reported death rate rose by 8.59%.
The top 5 diseases reported were viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhoea, bacterial and amoebic diarrhea, which accounted for 92.78% of the total reported cases of type B infectious diseases; the top five deaths were reported. The diseases were AIDS, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, rabies and human infection with H7N9 bird flu, which accounted for 98.81% of the total number of reported deaths of Class B infectious diseases.
The third is that Class C infectious diseases have no morbidity and die except for filariasis
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