台湾で百日咳の新規家庭内クラスター発生 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 07月30日 『 台湾で百日咳の新規家庭内クラスター発生 』
衛生福利部 2024-07-30 來源: 疾病管制署
Taiwan found a new case of family cluster of whooping cough. Parents are urged to bring their children to be vaccinated on schedule. Pay attention to your own health conditions and seek medical advice ASAP if they have suspected symptoms and avoid the spread of the epidemic.
Ministry of Health and Welfare 2024-07-30 Source: Disease Control Department.
The Department of Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) today (July 30) announced Taiwan has 3 new confirmed cases of whooping cough. they were from the same northern family cluster. The first case was a male in his 10s who had never received pertussis-related vaccines. He developed cough symptoms in early June, and subsequently the cough worsened and was accompanied by stridor and respiratory arrest, so, went to the hospital for medical treatment in mid-July, as symptoms did not improve, after testing, the patient was diagnosed on July 23, and 41 family and school contacts were listed, among them the father and sister had cough symptoms and tested positive on July 29, currently, three cases are asymptomatic or in remission. Health units continue to conduct epidemic investigations, expand the list of contacts, and arrange and evaluate preventive medication and testing.
According to monitoring data from the CDC, there are a total of 16 confirmed cases of pertussis in Taiwan this year
衛生福利部 2024-07-30 來源: 疾病管制署
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