
COVID-19 台湾新たに本土1例 輸入25例 計26例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 台湾新たに本土1例 輸入25例 計26例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2022年 01月05日 『 COVID-19 台湾新たに本土1例 輸入25例 計26例  

COVID-19 台湾新たに本土1例 輸入25例 計26例

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-01-05 來源: 疾病管制署


指揮センターは、「本日、新たに増えた国内症例(第17266号)は、台湾籍の50代女性だが、既にモデルナ製ワクチンを2回接種していたブレイクスルー感染者であった。第17230号、17238号、17239号とは、同じ職場の作業員で、同じ経路で通勤していた。 もともと1月5日に検査を受ける予定だったが、1月3日に乾いた咳やのどの不快感などの症状が現れたため、1月4日に自ら検査ステーションに赴き検査を受けたところ本日確定診断された。関係疫学的調査や接触者のリストアップ及び予防治療活動が進められている」としている。



Taiwan found 26 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19, 1 domestic and 25 imported cases from abroad

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-01-05 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (January 05) that there were 26 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China, including 1 local and 25 imported cases; further, there was 0 death.

The command center stated that case 17266 was a Taiwanese woman in her 50s who had received two doses of Modena vaccine (a breakthrough infection). She and Case 17230, Case 17238, and Case 17239 were employees in the same workplace, and had taken the same route as the previous case. She was originally scheduled to be tested on January 5th, 2022. Since she, however, developed dry cough and sore throat on January 3, she went to the inspection station on January 4th and was diagnosed today. Related epidemic investigation, listing of contacts and prevention and control work are currently in progress.

The command center explained that today there are 25 new cases of immigration from abroad, consisting of 12 males and 13 females, ranging in age from under 5 to over 70. They came from the United States (11 cases: case 17241-17243, Case 17250, Case 17252, Case 17524, Case 17256-17259, Case 17265), France (3 cases: case 17244, Case 17246, Case



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-01-05 來源: 疾病管制署




【翻訳詳細全文 は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】 20220105D COVID-19 台湾新たに本土1例 輸入25例 計26例(衛生福利部)

20220105F 台湾新規増加輸入症例25名のリスト


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