
COVID-19 新たに本土症例3例と感染源調査中の1例 : 確診症例の接触者 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 新たに本土症例3例と感染源調査中の1例 : 確診症例の接触者 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 05月10日 『 COVID-19 新たに本土症例3例と感染源調査中の1例 : 確診症例の接触者  

COVID-19 新たに本土症例3例と感染源調査中の1例 : 確診症例の接触者

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-05-10 來源: 疾病管制署


指揮センターは、「第1186号患者は、台湾籍の40代男性で、空港防疫ホテル職員用シャトルバスの運転手だが、最近の出国歴はない。彼は、2021年4月23日~4月28日の間、それぞれ1128号及び1129号患者の送迎をしていたが、4月29日にホテルの総員退出計画に協力して集中検疫所に入ったが、当日のPCR検査及び血清抗体検査結果は全て陰性であった。 患者は、5月7日に発熱や咳及び下痢の症状が現れ、5月8日、検疫所の手配により検査を受けたところ本日確定診断された(Ct値20)。患者は発症3日前には集中検疫所におり、他人との接触は無かったため、濃厚接触者リストは作成していないが、慎重を期して患者の同居家族に対する遡及調査が進められているところだ」とした。

指揮センターは、「第1187号患者は、台湾籍の40代男性で、某航空会社のパイロットだ。 彼は、4月20日~22日迄米国へのフライトをしており、4月25日、パイロットに対する特別検査を受けたがPCR検査及び血清抗体検査の結果は全て陰性であったが、5月2日に第1183号患者(5月8日に発表された50代のパイロット)と同じ車で出社していた。患者には5月6日に発熱症状が現れていたが、自分で服薬はした


3 new cases of COVID-19 in the local area and 1 case of COVID-19 under investigation of the source of infection are all close contacts of the confirmed cases

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-05-10 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced on May 10th that there were 3 new domestic and 1 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the investigation of the source of infection. One case was an employee of an airport epidemic prevention hotel (Case 1186), one case was an airline pilot (Case 1187 was under investigation of the source of infection), and two cases were family members living with the same in Case 1105 (Case 1199, Case 1200).

The command center stated that Case 1186 was a Taiwanese man in his 40s who was a driver of the shuttle bus for an airport epidemic prevention hotel employee. He has no recent history of going abroad. From April 23 to April 28, 2021, he sent Case 1128 and Case 1129 respectively. On April 29, he cooperated with the hotel’s emptying plan and went to the centralized quarantine station. On that day, the nucleic acid test and serum antibody were all negative. The case developed fever, cough and diarrhea on May 7. The quarantine station arranged for medical examination on May 8, and was diagnosed today (Ct value 20). The case was in the centralized quarantine station 3 days before the onset of the illness, and there was no contact with others, so no contacts were listed. In order to be cautious, a retrospective examination of the case’s family members has been carried out.

The command center pointed out that

Case 1187 was a Taiwanese male in his 40s who was an airline pilot. He was on duty to the United States from April 20 to April 22 this year. On April 25, he carried out a pilot project inspection. The nucleic acid test and serum antibody were negative. On May 2, he took the same car as the case 1183 to the company. The case developed fever on May 6 and only self-administered medication without seeking medical attention. On May 8, he was listed as a home isolation contact in case 1183. On the same day, the case was diagnosed today due to fever and was arranged by the health unit for medical examination. (Ct value 16), the source of infection is under investigation. The 26 contacts of the case have been initially grasped, of which 24 are listed in home isolation, 2 are listed in self-health monitoring, and all will be arranged for inspection.

The command center stated that because there was a history of activities in public places during the contagious period



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-05-10 來源: 疾病管制署





【翻訳詳細全文 は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】

20210510E COVID-19 新たに本土症例3例と感染源調査中の1例 : 確診症例の接触者(衛生福利部)


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