
特別医療目的用食品基準調整会合を北京で開催 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

中国: 特別医療目的用食品基準調整会合を北京で開催 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2018年 04月20日 『 特別医療目的用食品基準調整会合を北京で開催

原国家衛生計生委弁公庁の『2016年度食の安全国家標準プロジェクトプラン(第二版)の発行に関する通知(国衛弁食品函[2016]1358号)』に基づき、関連単位が『特別医療目的用食品通則(以下『通則』)』及びこれとセットになった『糖尿病の全栄養調整食品』、『がんの全栄養調整食品』、『炎症性大腸炎全栄養調整食品』などを作成し、基準の制定と改訂を行った。 基準の内容に関し、基準と基準の間や基準と関連する手法についての問題を検討するため、国家食品安全リスク評価センター(以下『食品評価センター』)は、北京で特殊医療目的食品基準調整会合を2018年4月18日から19日にかけて開催した。


Coordination Meeting for Standardizing Formula Foods for Special Medical Purpose Series Held in Beijing

China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment www.cfsa.net.cn 2018-04-20 Source: Nutrition Room 2

Foods for special medical purposes (FSMPs) have received extensive attention from the society. Formulating, improving and refining relevant standards is one of the important measures for the implementation of the “National Nutrition Plan (2017-2030)”.

According to the “Notice on Printing and Distributing the 2016 National Food Safety Standard Project Plan (Second Ver.)” issued by the former National Health and Family Planning Commission Office (HFPC Office Food Letter [2016] No. 1358), the relevant units have completed the “General Regulations of Formula Foods for Special Medical Uses” (hereinafter referred to as the “General Regulations”) as well as the “Whole Nutritional Formula Foods for Diabetes”, “Whole Formulated Foods for Tumors”, and “Full Nutritional Formula Foods for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases”, etc. including standard formulation and its revision works. In order to discuss the standard’s content and coordinate issues between standards, standards and related management methods, the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center (hereinafter referred to as the “Food Evaluation Center”) organized a coordination meeting for foods for special medical purpose formula series in Beijing on April 18-19, 2018.

The meeting was chaired by Li Ning, Deputy Director of Food Evaluation Center and Han Junhua Researcher respectively. Yan Sangwei, Deputy Director of National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, Gong Guoqiang, Director of National Health and Health Commission, Zhang Xudong Deputy Director of National Health and Family Planning Commission Hospital Management Institute, Xin Mintong, Deputy Director of the State Administration for Market Regulation, and more than 50 experts from the Committee of the protection of types of traditional chinese medicine of State Administration for Market Regulation, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Peking Union Medical Collee Hospital, Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, West China School of Medicine/West China Hospital of Sichuan University (WCSM/WCH) and industrial associations attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the drafters of each standard reported the basic situation of standard setting and the scientific basis for the setting and modification of various indicators. The relevant experts from the Hebei Provincial Food Inspection and Research Institute introduced the applicability of inspection methods found in the sampling process of formula 


国家食品安全风险评估中心 www.cfsa.net.cn 2018-04-20 来源: 营养二室


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