
新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎に関する衛健委発表 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎に関する衛健委発表 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 01月20日 02:40『 新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎に関する衛健委発表


武汉市 卫健委 wjw.wuhan.gov.cn 2020-01-20 02:42:40 来源: 武汉市 卫健委

2020年 1月18日 0時 ~ 24時の間に、治癒退院した患者は5名、新増した患者は59名、死亡した患者は1名;
1月19日 0時 ~ 24時の間に、治癒退院した患者は1名、新増した患者は77名であった。

武漢市は、各級各類医療機構におけるトリアージ、発熱外来でのオペレーションを基礎に、新たに修正された新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎の診療方案を絶えず調整しているが、新型コロナウィルス感染の肺炎疑似症例のスクリーニングを更に強化すると同時に、検査プランを改善、検査の流れをオプティマイズし、検査速度迅速化を図っている。 国や省・市の専門家が臨床症状や疫学史、病原学検査の結果を総合的に判断したところ、新たに新型コロナウィルスに感染した肺炎患者59例を1月18日に認定、1月19日には77人が認定され、二日間で合計136例が新たに確診された。


1月19日22時までに、武漢市が報告した患者は累計で198人、既に治癒退院しているものは25例、死亡者3例となった。 現時点で入院治療中のもの170例、うち軽症者は126例、重症者は35例、危篤患


Wuhan Municipal Health and Health Committee’s report on pneumonia of new coronavirus infection

Wuhan Municipal Health Commission wjw.wuhan.gov.cn 2020-01-20 02:42:40 Source: Wuhan Municipal Health Commission

On January 18, 2020, 5 cases were discharged from hospital, 59 cases were newly added, and 1 died. On January 19, 0 to 22 hours, 1 case was discharged and 77 cases were newly added.

On the basis of continuously regulating the operation of pre-screening and triage of all types of medical institutions at all levels, our city has followed the newly revised pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan for new coronavirus infection. Further, increased the screening of suspected cases of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection, at the same time, further improved the detection scheme, optimized the detection process, and accelerated the detection speed. National, provincial and municipal expert groups conduct comprehensive research and judgment based on clinical manifestations, epidemiological history, and pathogenic test results. On January 18, 59 cases of pneumonia infected with new coronavirus were newly confirmed, on January 19, 77 new cases were confirmed, that is, totally 136 diagnosed cases were confirmed in these two days.

Of the 136 patients:
66 were male and 70 were female;
The youngest case was 25 years old, and the oldest one was 89 years old;
All of the cases’ onset date was before January 18, 2020;
The first symptoms are mostly fever, cough or chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.
According to the newly revised diagnosis and treatment plan, patients were classified according to their severity, i.e., Light, Severe, and Critical, including 100 cases of mild cases, 33 cases of severe cases, and 3 cases of critical cases (including 1 death).
Deeper epidemiological investigations of new cases are underway, and close contacts are being tracked now.

As of 22:00 on January 19th, 198 cases of pneumonia of new coronavirus infection have been reported in our city, 25 cases have been cured and 3 cases have been discharged. Currently, 170 cases are still being treated in the hospital,


武汉市卫生健康委员会 关于 新型冠状病毒感染的 肺炎情况通报

武汉市 卫健委 wjw.wuhan.gov.cn 2020-01-20 02:42:40 来源: 武汉市 卫健委




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20200120A 新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎に関する武漢市衛健委発表 (武漢市衛健委)


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