
台湾第3のサル痘輸入症例を確診 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

台湾第3のサル痘輸入症例を確診 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2022年 08月06日 『 台湾第3のサル痘輸入症例を確診  


衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-08-06 來源: 疾病管制署

疾病管理予防センター(以下、CDC)は、本日8月06日、わが国で3番目となるサル痘の輸入確診症例を発表した。患者は、台湾北部籍の20代男性で、7月に渡米し、8月02日に帰国後は自宅で隔離をしていたが、8月03日にリンパ腺の腫れや膿疱、背中の痛み、発熱などの症状が現れ、8月04日、衛生単位が手配した検査により本日陽性が確認された。現在、患者は病院で隔離治療を受けているところだ。疫学調査によりハイリスクの接触者2名がリストアップされたが、彼らは、患者が米国にいる間に同居し、濃厚な接触があるとともに、同じフライトで帰国していた友人だ。 現時点では不快感の症状はなく、既に地方衛生単位が、8月23日まで健康観察を行うとの通知書を発行している;さらに、搭乗者名簿が見直され、復路両隣の乗客が中リスク接触者としてリストアップされ、同時に、連絡先の自己健康状態が8月23日までモニターされることになった。



Taiwan finds 3rd confirmed case of “monkeypox” imported from abroad. We call on the public to avoid close contact with unspecified persons when traveling abroad. When returning to Taiwan, if you have suspected symptoms, seek medical treatment as soon as possible and inform your travel history and contact history

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-08-06 Source: Disease Control Department

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC and Prevention) announced on August 6 that Taiwan’s third confirmed case of monkeypox was imported from abroad, a male in his 20s in northern China who traveled to the United States in July this year (2022) and traveled to the United States on August 2. On August 3, he developed symptoms such as swollen lymph glands, pustules, back pain and fever. On August 4, he was arranged by the health unit to seek medical treatment and conduct a test. He was confirmed positive today and is currently in the hospital. In isolation treatment. After the epidemic investigation, a total of 2 high-risk contacts were listed. They are 2 friends who lived with and had close contact with the case while in the United States, and took the flight back to Taiwan together. At present, there are no symptoms of discomfort, and the local health unit has issued a health monitoring notice for close tracking until August 23; In addition, the manifest will be reviewed, and the passengers next to the left and right of the return flight will be listed as medium-risk contacts, and the self-health of the contacts will be monitored until August 23.

The CDC further explained that monkeypox was announced on June 23 this year as a second-class notifiable infectious disease. It has been closely monitored and doctors have been reminded to strengthen notification. As of today, a total of 21 suspected cases have been reported, of which 3 were confirmed overseas. Migration (1 case in Germany, 2 cases in the United States), and the remaining 18 cases were excluded. In addition, starting from June 30, the agency has raised the travel epidemic situation in 53 countries with local or unknown monkeypox cases to “Level 2: Alert”. Avoid visiting high-risk areas such as social activities where unspecified people have close contact, if they have fever, skin lesions such as rash, papules, blisters or pustules and other suspected symptoms when returning to the country, they should take the initiative to inform airline personnel and airport and port quarantine personnel, and Seek medical



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-08-06 來源: 疾病管制署


疾管署進一步說明,猴痘於今年6月23日公告為第二類法定傳染病,已進行密切監測並提醒醫師加強通報,截至今日,累計通報疑似病例21例,其中3例確診均為境外移入(德國1例、美國2例),餘18例均排除。另自 6月30日起,該署將具有本土或不明感染源猴痘個案之53個國家旅遊疫情提升至「第二級:警示

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