
山東省で新たに207名 うち任城刑務所で200例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

山東省で新たに207名 うち任城刑務所で200例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 02月21日 『 山東省で新たに207名 うち任城刑務所で200例

山東省で新たに207名 うち任城刑務所で200例

新京报 www.chinanews.com 2020-02-21 10:14:39 来源: 央视新闻客户端

中央電視台のクライアント情報によれば、21日午前、記者は山東省政府新聞弁公室の記者会見席上で、山東省任城監獄(宮本注: 以下、『刑務所』)で新型コロナウィルス肺炎が発生し、2月20日24時時点で、現地が刑務所の関連者全員の核酸検査をした結果207人(202人というタイトルと人数が合致していません。その後207人という別報道が出ていたためあえてタイトルも改めております)が確定診断された。 現時点では、確診された全人員に対し、既に有効に隔離治療措置が講じられている。

2月12日午後、当該刑務所当直刑務官が咳を主訴に病院を受診したが、治療のために隔離された。核酸検査の後、新型コロナウィルス肺炎患者と13日22時に確定診断された; 同日の18時には、当該刑務所の非番刑務官が核酸検査により確定診断された。 2月13日23時、山東省党委員会と省政府は報告受領後、即座に関連方面の関連区域の封鎖管理を実施し、全力でローラー調査、スクリーニング、隔離、治療などの活動を展開している。


1) 全面的にスクリーニングと隔離を展開、濃厚接触者に網羅的に調査を行い、全てを指定地点に搬送して隔離実施する。
2) 治療に全力であたり、治療リーダーグループを組織、全省から専門家と救援隊を動員して、個の


Shandong newly diagnosed 207 cases including 200 in Rencheng Prison

Beijing News www.chinanews.com 2020-02-21 10:14:39 Source: CCTV News Client

According to CCTV News client information, on the morning of February 21, 2020, the reporter learned from the press conference of the Shandong Provincial Government Information Office that the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbroke in Rencheng Prison, Shandong Province. As of 24:00 on February 20, the local government has fully completed nucleic acid testing of related personnel at Rencheng Prison, and 207 cases have been diagnosed. Effective isolation and treatment measures have been taken for all the diagnosed persons.

According to reports, in early February, some of detention officers working at Rencheng Prison in Jining City developed symptoms of cough. In the afternoon of February 12, a closed duty police officer in the prison went to the hospital for coughing and was isolated for treatment. After a nucleic acid test he was diagnosed as a case of novel coronavirus pneumonia, at 22:00 of Feb. 13; At 18:00 on the same day, a closed police officer in the prison was diagnosed as a case after nucleic acid testing. At 23:00 on February 13, after receiving the report, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government immediately organized relevant parties to conduct closure management of the relevant areas, and carried out all-out investigation, screening, isolation, and treatment.

The Central Politics and Law Commission and the Ministry of Justice attached great importance to the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Rencheng Prison, and gave specific instructions and assigned staff to guide the work.

On the evening of February 13, Liu Jiayi, the secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, accepted the report and immediately instructed the Provincial Department of Justice to take measures to implement medical isolation for all personnel in the prison, to fully treat infected patients and to prevent the spread of the epidemic. In the past few days, the principals of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have held emergency meetings on many occasions to hear reports of the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in the Rencheng prison and make specific arrangements for the prevention and control of the epidemic. They also visited Jining City to check the site for many times and dispatch the work of epidemic situation management and patient treatment.

At present, the epidemic prevention and control of Rencheng Prison in Shandong Province is proceeding in an orderly manner.
1) To conduct comprehensive screening and isolation, carry out exhaustive screening for close contacts, and transfer all to designated locations for quarantine.
2) To do a good job of treatment, set up a medical treatment leading group, mobilize experts and rescue forces across the province, formulate personalized medical treatment plans, and actively implement scientific treatment measures.
3) To quickly set up a special hospital, rush to build a Ark Hospital, and urgently allocate medical equipment such


山东新增确诊病例202例 其中任城监狱200例

新京报 www.chinanews.com 2020-02-21 10:14:39 来源: 央视新闻客户端





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20200221D 山東省で新たに207名 うち任城刑務所で200例(新京報)



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