
新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎 7月06日24時まで : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎 7月06日24時まで : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 07月07日 『 新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎 7月06日24時まで 

新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎 7月06日24時まで

卫生应急办公室 www.nhc.gov.cn 2020-07-07 来源: 卫生应急办公室

2020年07月06日0時~24時までに、31省(自治区、直轄市)と新疆生産建設兵団が、新たに確診患者8例、うち海外からの輸入患者8例(遼寧2例、上海2例、四川2例、内蒙古1例、広東1例); 国内0例(北京0例=河北省0例); 死亡者0例; 疑似症例2例、うち海外からの輸入2例(内蒙古1例、上海1例); 国内0例(北京0例)が増えたと報告(宮本注: とうとう北京市での患者発見がゼロ(0)になりました!)。

当日、新たに増えた治癒退院患者は10例、当日医学観察を解除された濃厚接触者243例、重症症例増減は +1例(増加)。

(国家衛健委が31 省(区、市)及び新疆生産建設兵団から受領した新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎に関する情報:)
新増患者数: 8例: 海外からの輸入8例(遼寧2例、上海2例、四川2例、内蒙古1例、広東1例)、
新増死亡例: 0例:(湖北省0例): 83日間連続で死者ゼロ(0)
新増疑似症例: 2例: 海外からの輸入2例(内蒙古1例、上海1例); 国内0例(北京0例)。

新増治癒退院者: 10例;
当日医学観察解除された濃厚接触者: 243例;
新増重症者数の変化: +1例(増加)。


現有輸入確診患者数は72例、うち重症者数は0例、現有疑似症例数3例となっている。 累計では、確診患者数は1,942例、治癒退院者数1,870例、死者数0例となっている。

新増輸入確診患者: 8例(遼寧2例、上海2例、四川2例、内蒙古1例、広東1例);
現有輸入確診患者: 72例;
うち、重症例: 0例;
新増輸入疑似症例: 2例:;
現有輸入疑似症例: 3例;
累計輸入確診患者: 1,942例;
累計輸入治癒退院者: 1,870例;
累計輸入死者数: 0例:

07月06日 24時時点で、31 の省(自治区、直轄市)および新疆生産建設兵団は、現有確診患者 403例(うち重症者7例)、累計治癒退院者 78,528例、累計死亡者4,634例、累計確診患者数83,565例、現有疑似症例7例を報告。追跡で見つかった濃厚接触者数累計は764,486人で、今なお医学観察中の濃厚接触者は3,940人となる。

現有確診患者数計: 403例;
うち、重症例: 7例;
累計治癒退院者: 78,528例;
累計死亡者: 4,634例;
累計確診患者: 83,565例;
現有疑似症例: 7例;
累計発見濃厚接触者: 764,486人;
現在医学観察中: 3,940人。


湖北省では新たな確診患者数0例、疑似症例0例、治癒退院症例0例、死亡者0例、輸入症例0例が増えた。 現有確診患者数0例、現有疑似症例0例が報告されている。 累計確診患者数は68,135例、累計治癒退院者数は63,623例、累計死亡者数は4,512例となった。新たな無症状感染者0例が増え、当日確定に転じたものは0例、隔離解除されたものは0例、医学観察中の無症状感染者は3例(武漢2例、襄陽1例)だと報告している(湖北省における患のなかでとうとう武漢市から2例の患者が出たことになります)。⇒ 7月4日と同内容。




Epidemic situation of novel coronavirus pneumonia (by 24:00 of Jul. 06)

Health Emergency Office www.nhc.gov.cn 2020-07-07 Source: Health Emergency Office

At 00:00 – 24:00 on Jul. 06, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported:

8 newly diagnosed cases: of which eight (8) cases were imported from abroad (2 in Liaoning, 2 in Shanghai, 1 in Inner Mongolia,1 in Guangdong), none (0) in mainland China (0 in Beijing = 0 in Hebei);
No (0) newly added death case (= 0 in Hubei);
Two (2) newly added suspected cases: of which two (2) cases were imported from abroad (1 in Inner Mongolia,1 in Shanghai), none (0) in mainland China (0 in Beijing).

On the same day,
10 cases were newly cured and discharged,
254 close contacts were newly lifted from medical observation and
No (0) severe case was increased.

Imported cases:

As for the imported cases, there are totally 72 diagnosed (including no (0) severe cases) currently, and there are three (3) current suspected case.
There are 1,942 cumulative diagnosed cases, 1,870 cumulative cured and discharged cases, there are no (0) cumulative death cases.

As of 24:00 on Jul. 06, the cumulative reports of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported:

There are:
403 diagnosed cases (of which 7 are severe cases) as of today currently,
cumulative total of 78,528 cases were discharged from the hospital.
cumulative total of 4,634 deaths,
cumulative total of 83,565 diagnosed cases were reported,
7 current suspected cases.
cumulative total of 764,486 close contacts were traced,
3,940 close contacts in medical observation currently.

In Hubei Province;

From May 2, NHC stopped to report on Hubei’s situation: From Jul. 1, the province has no patients at all.
There was no (0) newly diagnosed cases in Hubei, no (0) suspected cases, no (0) newly cured and discharged cases, no (0) death, no (0) imported case.
At present, there is no (0) diagnosed case, no (0) suspected cases, currently.
There is a total of 68,135 diagnosed cases, a total of 63,623 cured and discharged patients, and a total of 4,512 deaths.
No (0) asymptomatic case was newly added in the province.
There is no (0) asymptomatic case who was converted to the diagnosed case.
No (0) asymptomatic case was lifted their medical observation, and three (3) asymptomatic cases imported from abroad are still under medical observation at present in Wuhan (2 cases) and Xiangyang (1 case). Miyamoto’s note: This means Hubei has three (3) asymptomatic cases are under medical observation now and Wuhan has two cases again. ==> No change from Jul. 4.

Asymptomatic infected patient

31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported: There were 15 newly infected asymptomatic patients, of which fourteen (14) cases were imported from abroad, = one


截至7月06日 24时 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情最新情况

卫生应急办公室 www.nhc.gov.cn 2020-07-07 来源: 卫生应急办公室






【翻訳詳細全文は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】

20200707A 新型コロナウィルス感染肺炎 7月06日24時まで(衛生応急弁公室)

20200707B 中国:新型コロナウィルス感染状況の推移

20200707C 武漢肺炎 発症者・死亡者数の推移



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