
浙江省のH7N9鳥フル患者死亡者数発表に関して : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

浙江省のH7N9鳥フル患者死亡者数発表に関して : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年01月27日 『 浙江省のH7N9鳥フル患者死亡者数発表に関して

2014年 1月27日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on January 27, 2014)H7N9Image

本日午後、省政府は全省で更なるヒト感染H7N9鳥インフルエンザ予防管理工作テレビ会議を開催し、席上、省衛生計生委はわが省の今年1月以来本日(1月27日)までの流行情報を公布した: 確診された患者数は49人、うち、12名が死亡とされている。 ネット上で「あるメディアが、1月25日に『浙江省では今年1月以来今日(宮本注:25日のことです)までの患者数は45名で死亡が1名』と報道しているが、これはたった3日間で11名が死亡したということか?」という質問が出た。

* 毎日確診された患者の数は発表するが、
* 死亡者数は(タイムリーには)発表していない
Regarding the number of the death people infected with H7N9 avian flu reported by our province
Zhejiang Provincial Health Department wst.zj.gov.cn 2014-01-27 Source: Zhejiang Provincial Health Department

This afternoon, the provincial government held a teleconference to further strengthen prevention and control of H7N9 avian flu in the province.
At the meeting, the Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission announced the epidemic in our province since January this year as of today: A total of 49 patients were diagnosed, of which 12 died.
Now Net users are asking: January 25, some media reported that there are 45 cases and one death: Does this mean 11 people were killed only in three days?

Now, the facts learned from the relevant departments are: According to the requirements of the state, our province announces the number of newly diagnosed patients daily, however, the number of deaths are not to be disclosed (because H7N9 avian flu is belonging to Class-B infectious diseases and According to the requirements of the state administration, the province is unanimously notifying the numbers of patients and death cases). One death case reported by the media was the newly diagnosed case released on January 11, because the patient was extremely critically ill and died before the diagnosis was made. As a result, it was stated at the time of publication. This is not
浙江省卫生厅 wst.zj.gov.cn 2014-01-27 信息来源:


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20140127B 浙江省のH7N9鳥フル患者死亡者数発表に関して(浙江衛生庁)


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