
COVID-19 台湾の新規輸入症例2例はフィリピンから : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 台湾の新規輸入症例2例はフィリピンから : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 04月26日 『 COVID-19 台湾の新規輸入症例2例はフィリピンから  

COVID-19 台湾の新規輸入症例2例はフィリピンから

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-04-26 來源: 疾病管制署


指揮センターは、「当該船舶は2021年1月から日本とフィリピンの2国に何度も行き来していた; 第1103号は、今年1月に日本から乗船しており、4月22日に発熱や筋肉痛、疲労及び息切れなどの症状が現れた; 第1104号は、今年3月に日本から乗船しており、4月23日に発熱や咳の症状が現れた; 2名は症状が現れた日から別々のキャビンに隔離され、4月24日に同船が台湾に停戦後、衛生単位の手配による検査を受け、二人とも本日確定診断された(1103号: Ct値25; 1104号:Ct値18); 現在二人は入院隔離治療中である。 既に、濃厚接触者63人が把握されており、うち17人は同船の乗船員でだが既に検査の


Two new cases of COVID-19 imported from abroad, both of which entered Taiwan from the Philippines

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-04-26 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today on April 26 there are two newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 from abroad. They are a Burmese male in their 40s (Case 1103) and a Chinese male in their 40s (Case 1104). The two are crew members of the same ship, and they all entered the Philippines.

The command center pointed out that the ship has made multiple voyages to and from Japan and the Philippines since January this (2021); The Case 1103 boarded the ship from Japan in January this year, and developed fever, muscle pain, fatigue, and breathlessness on April 22; Case 1104 boarded the ship from Japan in March this year, and developed fever and cough on April 23. Since the onset of symptoms, the two cases were isolated in the cabin separately, and after the ship docked in Taiwan on April 24, arranged by the health unit for medical examination, all were diagnosed today (Case 1103: Ct value 25; Case 1104: Ct value 18); Currently they are in hospital for isolation and treatment. 63 contacts have been identified, of which 17 are crew members on the same ship, all of whom have been arranged for inspection; of the remaining 46, one is



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-04-26 來源: 疾病管制署



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