
COVID-19 台湾新たに本土23102例 輸入37例 計23139例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 台湾新たに本土23102例 輸入37例 計23139例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2022年 05月03日 『 COVID-19 台湾新たに本土23102例 輸入37例 計23139例  

COVID-19 台湾新たに本土23102例 輸入37例 計23139例

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-05-03 來源: 疾病管制署


指揮センターは、「本日、新たに増えた国内症例23102例は、5歳未満から90代の男性11193例、女性11899例、性別調査中10例だ。患者分布は、新台北市(8278例)、台北市(4806例)、桃園市(3604例)、基隆市(1220例)、台中市(1196例)、高雄市(818例)、台南市(509例)、宜蘭県(448 例)、花蓮県(428例)、新竹県(333例)、屏東県(292例)、雲林県(254例)、彰化県(214例)、新竹市(171 例)、苗栗県(145例)、台東県(102例)、嘉義県(87例)、嘉義市(79例)、南投県(73例)、澎湖県(22例)、金門県(15例)、および連江県(8例)。関連の調査が進行中である」としている。



Taiwan found 23139 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19, 23102 domestic and 37 imported cases from abroad

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-05-03 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (May 03) that there were 23,139 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China, including 23,102 local and 37 imported cases (14 were positive for flight landing tests); further, there were 3 deaths.

The command center stated that the new 23102 local cases today are 11193 males and 11899 females, (10 are under investigation of gender), aged between under 5 years old and 90s. The distribution of cases is New Taipei City (8278 cases), Taipei City (4806 cases), Taoyuan City (3604 cases), Keelung City (1220 cases), Taichung City (1196 cases), Kaohsiung City (818 cases), Tainan City (509 cases), Yilan County (448 cases), Hualien County (428 cases), Hsinchu County (333 cases), Pingtung County (292 cases), Yunlin County (254 cases), Changhua County (214 cases), Hsinchu City (171 cases), Miaoli County (145 cases), Taitung County (102 cases), Chiayi County (87 cases), Chiayi City (79 cases), Nantou County (73 cases), Penghu County (22 cases), Jinmen County (15 cases), and Lianjiang County (8 cases). The related epidemic investigation is ongoing.

The command center pointed out that there were 5 new local deaths today. They were 4 males and 1 female, aged in



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2022-05-03 來源: 疾病管制署




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