
中国の肉屋が「羊頭猫肉」販売: 愛猫家が1,000匹以上のネコを保護 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

中国の肉屋が「羊頭猫肉」販売: 愛猫家が1,000匹以上のネコを保護 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

中国の肉屋が「羊頭猫肉」販売: 愛猫家が1,000匹以上のネコを保護

新唐人電視台 www.ntdtv.com 2023-10-23 00:15 来源:




Chinese butcher sells cat meat as mutton: Cat lovers rescue more than 1,000 cats

New Tang Dynasty Television www.ntdtv.com 2023-10-23 00:15 Source:

[NTD News, Beijing time, October 22, 2023] A black industrial chain of “selling cat meat at the expense of a sheep’s head” has emerged in mainland China. Recently, several kind people stopped a “cat truck” together, and thousands of live cats were rescued. Many of them have beautiful coats and shapes, and “they look like precious pets at first glance.”

According to mainland China’s The Paper, a woman named Han Jiali from Jiangsu Province tracked down a black industry chain selling cat meat after losing her beloved cat last year. Since then, Ms. Han became an animal protection 


中国肉贩“挂羊头卖猫肉” 爱猫者解救逾千只猫

新唐人電視台 www.ntdtv.com 2023-10-23 00:15 来源: 

【新唐人北京时间2023年10月22日讯】中国大陆爆出“挂羊头卖猫肉”的黑色产业链。 近日,几位爱心人士一起拦下了一辆“运猫车”,有上千只活猫获救,其中许多猫的毛色体态都很漂亮,“一看就是宝贝宠物”。


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20231023J 中国の肉屋が「羊頭猫肉」販売: 愛猫家が1,000匹以上のネコを保護(新唐人)


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